Chris DeBlaay
Chris’ life is defined by the days of the week. On Mondays and Thursdays he works for a local wellness company, leading in Human Resources. Some evenings and afternoons he is a stay-at-home-dad, fulfilling his role in the school car-pool, while not forgetting to pick up milk. On Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays he is a Branch pastor. With such a complex schedule, you might imagine Chris has the ability to create excellent Excel spreadsheets. You wouldn’t be wrong.
As a Branch Pastor, Chris leads in areas of vision, community, leadership development and transformation. He helps us answer “where are we headed?”, “are we being true to our calling” and “is Jesus more obvious in your life today than he was yesterday?”
Chris has been married to his wife, Bethany, for over 20 years. They have 4 children: Raya, Zeke, JP, and Ruby. When not serving the Branch, Chris is … oh yeah, you already read that stuff. What you don’t know? He manages it all with a good cup of coffee in hand.
Teresa Kinnear
Teresa splits her time each week between a few different places. Part of the week, she is a student, pursuing her Masters of Divinity degree. Part of the week, she spends her time investing in people at the Branch. And other parts of the week, she can be found in her car, driving kids to school or supporting their interests. How does she keep it all straight? She doesn’t – that’s what Google Calendar is for. And coffee. There must always be coffee.
Teresa spends her time at the Branch equipping and empowering people to live more fully into the person God created them to be. Sometimes that means finding a place at the Branch for people to volunteer or lead, using their unique gifts. Other times that means talking with people to help them discern how they can participate in the world around them in ways that bring more of God’s love to the world.
Teresa is married to Kyle, and they have 2 children: Zach and Molly. Teresa and her family are passionate about investing in their neighborhood.