Chris DeBlaay
In 2005, The Branch began, born out of a series of conversations a dear friend and I had been having over coffee. Nearly 20 years later, there is no question that this community has been a gift to me every bit as much as I have been a gift to it. I am not the same person because of the people of The Branch.
From the beginning, I have been bi-vocational – meaning I’ve been a part-time pastor and a part-time something else. These days, I’m fulfilling the ‘something else’ in two ways.
I am a licensed builder and co-own a business to help transform folks’ homes into spaces where they and those they love can flourish. I know…that sounds a bit flowery, but it’s true.
I am also employed by the Reformed Church in America (RCA) to educate people about the Palestinian and Israeli conflict and advocate for a way forward that will lead to a just future where all are able to flourish. You can learn more here.
I have been so fortunate to be married to my partner, Bethany, for over 25 years. We are so grateful to watch our four kids grow into people of kindness, justice and joy.
Teresa Kinnear
Teresa splits her time each week between a few different places. Part of the week, she is a student, pursuing her Masters of Divinity degree. Part of the week, she spends her time investing in people at the Branch. And other parts of the week, she can be found in her car, driving kids to school or supporting their interests. How does she keep it all straight? She doesn’t – that’s what Google Calendar is for. And coffee. There must always be coffee.
Teresa spends her time at the Branch equipping and empowering people to live more fully into the person God created them to be. Sometimes that means finding a place at the Branch for people to volunteer or lead, using their unique gifts. Other times that means talking with people to help them discern how they can participate in the world around them in ways that bring more of God’s love to the world.
Teresa is married to Kyle, and they have 2 children: Zach and Molly. Teresa and her family are passionate about investing in their neighborhood.