Entries by Chris

Rest for Your Soul – Week 1 (9.6.20)

We begin our month long look at Matthew 11:28-30 – three well known verses that perhaps offer us precisely what we need at this moment. But the invitation must be received. We must first admit that we are in need of rest.

The Trees are Talking – Week 3

Elliot leads us in a conversation on quantum mechanics. Yep. You heard right. We consider how something like a photon, which is both a wave and a particle, might help us think differently about many things in our complex world.

The Trees are Talking – Week 2

Elliot leads us through the incredible process of a star’s death, which gives way to the building blocks of life. This awe-inspiring cycle is what we see throughout creation. Life coming after loss and death. Resurrection. What might this mean for us in our day to day lives?

The Trees Are Talking – Week 1

We begin a four week series looking at incredible aspects of creation, and what they have to teach us about our lives together. This first week’s takeaway: Don’t be a Western Cedar. Note: the first few minutes were not recorded. You can find more about the research we talked about at first by watching this […]

Message 7-5-20

We took a week to look at a story we have likely heard of before from Luke 9: the feeding of the 5000 and what it might have to say to us in this moment.

Weekly Reflections on becoming an Anti-Racist

Below are the emails we’ve sent out since George Floyd’s murder and the protests that follow.  Each email has a number of resources to keep us moving towards becoming Anti-Racists. May 31st Here’s a video we used in worship as a prayer of lament. June 9th Over the last two weeks, large and consistent protests […]

Becoming an Anti-Racist

Below is a letter from SaraJane and Micah, inviting anyone to enter into a conversation around how white people can become anti-racists: people who are actively working against racism in their own lives and in our world. Dear friends and family, What a time we find ourselves in. Over the past month, we have sat […]

Liminal – Stories of the In-Between (week 1)

The Bible is full of stories of people and communities who have had to journey through liminal spaces. Today, are in a liminal space too — caught between the world as we knew it and an unknown future. What do these stories have to teach us? This week we look at Israel, as they journeyed […]

Liminal :: Stories of the In-Between

We’ve all been there. In fact, we’re there right now. Liminal spaces are in-between spaces. They are seasons in which we find ourselves between one reality that has ended and another that has not yet begun. Covid-19 has caused life as we knew it to end. The world is simply not, nor will it be, […]

Covid-19 Updates

Sunday mornings: two options Zoom Every week at 10am we’ll continue to use Zoom in the weeks and months ahead. Here’s the link (it is the same link every week): https://zoom.us/j/864871555 Option: Sunday Morning Watch Parties With winter bearing down, watch parties are on hold for now; however, if we get a warm weekend in […]

The Gospel of Mark

For the first 16 weeks of 2020 (January to Easter) we’re going to walk through the Gospel of Mark taking one chapter a week. Our hope and desire is simple: to purposefully and thoughtfully reflect on the life and teaching of Jesus of Nazareth so that our lives may more reflect his. We invite you […]