Entries by Chris

Message 7-5-20

We took a week to look at a story we have likely heard of before from Luke 9: the feeding of the 5000 and what it might have to say to us in this moment.

Weekly Reflections on becoming an Anti-Racist

Below are the emails we’ve sent out since George Floyd’s murder and the protests that follow.  Each email has a number of resources to keep us moving towards becoming Anti-Racists. May 31st Here’s a video we used in worship as a prayer of lament. June 9th Over the last two weeks, large and consistent protests […]

Becoming an Anti-Racist

Below is a letter from SaraJane and Micah, inviting anyone to enter into a conversation around how white people can become anti-racists: people who are actively working against racism in their own lives and in our world. Dear friends and family, What a time we find ourselves in. Over the past month, we have sat […]

Liminal – Stories of the In-Between (week 1)

The Bible is full of stories of people and communities who have had to journey through liminal spaces. Today, are in a liminal space too — caught between the world as we knew it and an unknown future. What do these stories have to teach us? This week we look at Israel, as they journeyed […]

Liminal :: Stories of the In-Between

We’ve all been there. In fact, we’re there right now. Liminal spaces are in-between spaces. They are seasons in which we find ourselves between one reality that has ended and another that has not yet begun. Covid-19 has caused life as we knew it to end. The world is simply not, nor will it be, […]

Covid-19 Updates

Sunday mornings: two options Zoom Every week at 10am we’ll continue to use Zoom in the weeks and months ahead. Here’s the link (it is the same link every week): https://zoom.us/j/864871555 Option: Sunday Morning Watch Parties With winter bearing down, watch parties are on hold for now; however, if we get a warm weekend in […]

The Gospel of Mark

For the first 16 weeks of 2020 (January to Easter) we’re going to walk through the Gospel of Mark taking one chapter a week. Our hope and desire is simple: to purposefully and thoughtfully reflect on the life and teaching of Jesus of Nazareth so that our lives may more reflect his. We invite you […]

Advent Yoga

This season we are about to enter is busy. Like, really insanely busy. You’re invited to take an hour to step away from it all. An hour to rest, breathe, connect. Everyone is welcome – regardless of their level of experience with yoga. The class meets at the Branch building at 7:30pm starting 12/1 and […]

December Potluck!

As is our tradition, the first Sunday of the month is a chance to get together, connect, and enjoy some good food. This time, we’ll be having a good ol’ fashioned potluck so bring a dish to pass. We’ll provide water and place settings. We’ll start right after worship is concluded and wrap up around […]

The Two Halves of Life

A number of years ago my wife and I spent some time in Las Vegas. The city was remarkable. But we also knew we wanted to get to the Grand Canyon. Neither of us had ever been. So we got in our rental car and made a long day trip. After about four hours we […]


Who are you becoming? Often our growth is hard to see. We race through life not realizing that every day we are becoming a certain kind of person. Incredibly, we have a choice about how we become this certain kind of person. We can either be passive in our formation – letting whatever comes along […]

Hurrican Dorian assistance

Hurricane Dorian was a massive storm. Its power was felt for two long weeks. From the severe destruction on the islands of the Bahamas to the wind, rain, and flooding in parts of the southeast US still actively recovering from previous storms, this storm’s impact will be felt for years to come. Hurricane Dorian left […]


Life is busy. The demands seem endless. So much is clamoring for our attention. Which means it is all too easy to lose focus of the things we say matter. This is true for individuals and for groups — including churches. That’s why we’re taking four Sundays to consider again the things we’ve said are […]