Entries by Chris

Understanding and Integrating Our Emotions – Week 2 (1.19.25)

Guest preacher: Bethany Ackley DeBlaay, licensed therapist (MA, LLP, SEP) Week 2 invites us to consider that we are distress managers, doing what we can (often unconsciously) to avoid what we perceive as uncomfortable, difficult or painful. As a result, when we grow up learning that certain emotions are bad (or worse, sinful), we will […]

Fabulous February Fundraiser

Step 1: Purchase your favorite squares! Fundraiser starts February 12 @ 6PM Squares are purchased first come first serve by going to the FB Event Page. Do you have a favorite number, a child’s birthdate, anniversary? Pick as many numbers as you want! We have squares numbered from 1 to 125, with each square priced […]

Understanding and Integrating Our Emotions – Week 1 (1.12.25)

In the first week of a three week series, licensed therapist Bethany Ackley DeBlaay (MA, LLP, SEP) invites us to see our emotions as hardwired, autonomic responses to the world around us. If we are to  integrate our emotions, we first need to understand that they are automatically happening all the time, whether we are […]

Understanding and Integrating Our Emotions

In November, we gathered at a local pizza shop to hear from a licensed therapist on how we might better understand and integrate our emotions. We had a lot of great feedback, but we also knew we had just scratched the surface. In response, we’re taking part of time during three Sundays in January to […]

It All Hangs on Love – Week 1 (9/8/24)

Everything important and consequential in this life hangs on love. And our capacity to express love is fundamentally tied to our willingness to receive it. Yes – we are called to love God, but equally, we are invited (and must heed that invitation) to receive and experience love. It sounds simple, but is not easy. […]

It All Hangs on Love

What is the greatest commandment? It was a question meant to stump Jesus, but it didn’t trip him up: Love God. Love Neighbor. Love Yourself. But that wasn’t all Jesus said. He went on to say that all of the commandments and religious laws and every word of the prophets hangs on love. Boil this […]