Missional Community @ Garfield Park
During the summer, join one of our missional communities at Garfield Park on Thursdays from 5:30-7:30pm (come whenever your schedule allows). We’ll have dinner together (bring place settings and something to pass), play and hang out. We’ll also continue to build relationships and support recent refugees who join us from time to time.
Sabbatical Return Party
Let’s celebrate the DeBlaay family returning from sabbatical! We will eat together on the lawn of the Branch on JUNE 11 after church. Please sign up to bring something to share. http://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f054eafa72aaaf49-sabbatical
Easter at the Branch
How do we celebrate Easter at the Branch (and, for some, the end of a fast)? On Good Friday, we come together to enter into a memorial of the final hours before Jesus crucifixion. The hour long service starts at 7pm and childcare will be provided for toddler and nursery age kids. Older kids may join […]
Racial Reconciliation Training
This spring, we are offering free training aimed at helping address systemic and individual racism and bias. Our goal is “to see and learn about racism in a new and redemptive way, to gain insights into systemic racism through the eyes of faith and Scripture, to see more of the connections between history and contemporary race […]
Love Over Fear (a story)
Loving the other is rarely easy, and more than often requires more of us than we think we can give. Thanks to Jeff and Sarah for being willing to share their story of how God has been at work in and through them as they chose love over fear. Verkaik from Chris DeBlaay on […]
Church on the Road
Join us this Sunday (2/26) at 10am as we head to RiverTree to join them in worship and have lunch together. RiverTree is located at 5625 Burlingame Ave. KIDS: Nursery (0-2) begin the morning in nursery. Kids 3 years old and up start in worship and then are dismissed 15-20 minutes in. Parents will find the […]
DeBlaay Sabbatical
We’ve been blessed to receive a grant that allows the DeBlaay family to go on sabbatical this spring, and gives the Branch two incredible opportunities for growth. Pick up an overview on the kiosk in the cafe on Sunday morning or check out a digital copy by clicking here: Sabbatical Overview.
New Parish Grand Rapids
We have always been committed to helping people be the presence of Christ in one of the most important places of their life: their home and surrounding neighborhood. Because of a grant from the Lily Foundation, we are blessed to be able to provide a free training that equips any and all people who want to […]
Branch Adventures: February
Branch Adventure’s next outing will be indoor rock climbing February 19, 2017 at Inside Moves Climbing Gym. We will meet there at 6pm, have a lesson for those who need it, and climb for 3 hours. No experience necessary. This will be for ages 5th grade and up. We will have the gym reserved for our […]
Unity, Liberty, Charity: Week 3
Love of God and neighbor fulfills all of God’s Law — it is the thing on which everything else hangs. Chris discusses what this means for our relationships with each other and with the world.
Unity, Liberty, Charity: Week 2
In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, LIBERTY. In all things, charity. This week we look at how to allow freedom of thought and freedom of will in things that are non-essential. Please utilize the handout below to fully engage with this message. Liberty Handout Web
Unity, Liberty, Charity: Week 1
We begin this series by looking at Christ’s unmistakable call to unity. We also work to reclaim the often forgotten truth that there is much more that binds us together than separates us, even in this debate. We also strongly encourage you to engage with these questions and readings this week to further reflect on […]
Current Series: The Places of Jesus
It’s easy to take for granted just how remarkable is the earth-bound rootedness of Jesus. Consider it: His feet touched this earth. He breathed this air. He called this place home. The places of Jesus both formed him and were transformed by him. Through Lent, we’ll explore some of the key places of Jesus’ life, […]
New Year’s Breakfast
Welcome the New Year with us as we share breakfast before worship. Come anytime after 8:30am. Sure, it’s a bit early, but we’re keeping things low-key and simple. Click here to sign up for something to bring.
Merry Christmas!
Over the last month we’ve been humbled and grateful as the Branch has repeatedly been an extension of Christ to the world. Here’s a snapshot of ways in which God has worked through us to spread the Good News: In the last month, our kids gave offerings totaling $175 to purchase 5 pairs of shoes, 3 mosquito nets and […]