BranchStudents – 5th-8th Graders!

Our first ever kickoff is Sept 20th and we hope all 5th-8th graders will join us!  And PARENTS – you’re invited too! We want everyone connected to BranchStudents to come to this special night as we enjoy a meal, have fun and share the vision for this group.

We’ll be hosted by the Workmans at their home: 2303 Lafayette Ave. SE 49507 from 5:30-7:00pm

Dinner is completely provided — just come!  However, if you could let us know if you will be joining us it will be very helpful in planning.   Simply email or text Brian Workman at; 616-890-2621.

Please note: this is a special night for 5th-8th graders and so we’re doing something quite rare at the Branch and asking that you arrange childcare if you have other children who are not in 5th-8th grade.  We appreciate it.  Thank you.

Fantasy Football

Do you like football?  Better yet, do you like community?

Our league has something to do with football, but it’s mostly an excuse to hang out.  We’re holding our annual fantasy football draft on Sunday September 13th at 4:00pm.

Want to join us? No experience/expertise needed. Just email today and we’ll pass on further details.

Hospitality Training

Please join us to hear why cafe and greeter are such vital roles in our ministry effort to provide lavish hospitality.  Anyone is invited, but this is especially important for those who serve our community as a cafe person or greeter.

Please join us on either August 23 or September 16 at 10 am.

Questions?  Please check out “The Journey Ahead” letter on the back table or in your email, or email Chris or the Stewards.

Plaster Creek Family Park Clean Up

Interested in cleaning a local park on 2015’s Day of Caring?  Join Friends of GR Parks and the Garfield Park Neighborhood Association on Friday, September 11, starting at 9:30 a.m. to clean up Plaster Creek Family Park.   The park is just around the corner, off 28th street, between Division and 131.  The team will be cleaning up the east hillside of the park, where dumping has been an issue.

To sign up, email Susan Worden at or check out the Heart of West Michigan United Way website.  More details to follow signup.

Next Series: How to Change the World

When we read the Scriptures we find a God determined to not just redeem a city or region, but the entire world — each and every part of it.  As we look at our world today we see the fruit of this work.  The Kingdom is breaking in more and more. But we also see those places near and far that are still desperately in need of restoration, healing and peace.
Which begs the question: what does it practically look like to live in metro G.R. today and join in God’s redemptive work?  What can we do to be a part of changing the world?
During this three week series (Sept 13, 20, and 27), we’ll not only look to the Scriptures for guidance, but also spend time sharing concrete steps the Branch is going to take in the coming months to change the world.   It will be a great chance to hear about the Branch’s vision moving forward.  We hope you’ll join us!

All Church Potluck

You’re invited! 

We will be potlucking and playing with Alas here at the church on Saturday, Aug 8 from 10-2, (lunch will be served from 11:30-1).  Please bring a dish to share and your own plates/cutlery.  Main dish and lemonade will be provided.

There will be a sprinkler in the grass for the kids to run through and yard games – feel free to bring one to share.

RSVP to by Aug 4.  Hope to see you there!

Alger Heights Collaborative Update

The Branch is part of a community collaborative that puts on events and supports the needs of our immediate community.  Coordinator Jenn Reidsma has worked hard this summer offering events and she has provided an update on how it’s all going.
Perhaps you recall the free tax help, which aided nearly 60 low to middle income families with tax prep.  Or the community picnic, where over 100 neighbors met and hung out.  Check out her newsletter to hear about more great things provided to the community.   AH Collaborative July 2015 Newsletter
The next event will be Tuesday, August 4 at 6:30pm – National Night Out at Alger Middle School.  Hope to see you there!

Word to the Wise – Current Series

Information has never been more abundant.  Google.  Wiki-how.  Fortune cookies.
And while information and knowledge are good, alone they aren’t enough.  To navigate the complexities of life, one thing is absolutely critical.  Wisdom.
During this seven week series we’ll turn to the ancient book of Proverbs and learn deep truths about how we are to live as God’s people.  We invite you to join us.
July 26 – Wisdom’s Call
August 2 – Wisdom’s Absence: foolishness
August 9 – Wisdom and decisions
August 16 – Wisdom and emotions
August 23 – Wisdom and money
August 30 – Wisdom and friendships
September 6 – Wisdom and words

Christian Adventure Race and Triathlon

Looking to test yourself this summer?  Or maybe to enjoy the outdoors and some healthy competition?

Check out two great oppotunities to explore nature and challenge your strength and endurance.

The 5th Annual CAR (Christian Adventures Race) is July 18, 2015.  This consists of a 5 mile hike/run, a 2 mile canoe paddle and an 12 mile mountian bike ride.  Enter as teams of 2, and you can even rent a bike.

The 19th Annual Cran-Hill Triathlon will be August 1, 2015. Swim .5k in the lake, race 12k on the road course and run 4k on outdoor trails. The Triathlon offers individuals, teams, and youth races.

Find more details and entry forms on Cranhill’s website here.

Hospitality and You

The Branch is embarking on a challenge, a challenge to be a more welcoming place.  We want to show visitors lavish hospitality.  We know people of the Branch are warm, welcoming, awesome people.  And we want to make strides to share that to visitors too.
We’re implementing a few idea to get us there  – the 10:15 challenge and Nametag sundays.  Both ideas are meant to foster relationships, conversations, and invitation.
10:15 Challenge
You may recall the 10:30 challenge.  This is the next step up.  We are asking you to arrive by 10:15.  To change your thinking that the Branch actually starts at 10:15.  This gives time to get kids to class, grab some coffee, and be in the sanctuary ready for service by 10:30.  The idea is to foster time to chat with either other, welcome someone new, and keep things running smoothly.  We find quite often visitors are arrive early and ready, but there is no one to welcome them to our family.  We are ready to remedy this.
Nametag Sunday
The 4th sunday of each month will be a Nametag Sunday.   It’s really simple, write your name, stick it on, greet someone who’s name you’ve forgotten.  Or maybe you have yet to meet.  However it goes, this too is a chance to build relationships and invite conversation.

Future Faith

This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

Joshua 1:9

When God spoke these words to Joshua, he and Israel stood at a crossroads.  Their world was dramatically changing and while a new, promised land lie ahead so many questions were still unanswered.  Perhaps that’s why God commands Joshua, and the people by extension, to be strong and courageous (God does this three times in chapter 1).  But hold on.  How is it possible for Israel to be courageous in the midst of so much uncertainty?  Because God was with them wherever they would go.

The Branch stands in a similar place.  A new chapter is ahead and God’s promise is that it is good.  But still, we have questions.  We wonder about the unknown.  And so God’s words are for us too:  Do not be afraid Branch family. Be courageous, for I am with you wherever you go.

For three weeks we’ll be looking at people in the Scriptures who stood at a crossroads — who faced a promising but uncertain future.  Their lives inform our own and show us how we can enter the future God has for us with faith and hope.

June 21: Joshua and a Promise

June 28: Ruth and Relationship

July 5: David and Obedience

Kids Games at the KROC

Welcome to Kids Games!

We are joining with several community organizations to put on Kids’ Games.  It’s a fantastic way to reach youth in our community in a positive way.

The week of June 15-19, 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm, we will join Alger Park CRC, Seymour CRC, St. Luke AME, Tabernacle Church, Alger Middle School, Garfield Park Neighborhood Association, and the KROC Center, to host Kids’ Games at the KROC Center.

Because we are able to host this at the KROC, we feel participation will be very high.  Enrollment is capped at 300 entering K-4th graders as we do have limited space and want to provide adequate volunteer support.

There are many volunteers needed to make this run smoothly, so the kids have a wonderful week of learning and feeling God in their lives in a fun and safe environment.  Opportunities for volunteering include:

  • Small Group Leaders – 6 leaders / grade week long commitment,  18yrs +
  • Small Group Helper – 6 helpers / grade week long commitment, 12 yrs+
  • Registration Helper – 15 people, June 15 only
  • Bible Drama Helper – 15 people
  • Experiential Sport/Game Leader – 2 people week long commitment, 18yrs+
  • Experiential Sport/Games Helper – 4 people week long commitment, 12 yrs+
  • Educational Segment Leader – 2 people week long commitment,  18 yrs+
  • Educational Segment Helper – 4 people week long commitment, 12 yrs+
  • Security Team – 10 people / night
  • Snack Helper – 10 people/ night
  • Track Leader – week long commitment, 18 yrs+
  • Track Helpers – week long commitment, 12 yrs+

Tracks are multi-age activities offered for the last 45 minutes of each night.  Kids split from their small groups into their chosen track.


Volunteering will look a bit different because we are collaborating with the KROC Center.  All volunteers will need to register with the KROC (Salvation Army Volunteers ), have a background check and take the on-line “Safe from Harm” training.  Once these are complete, you will be directed to the signup genius to choose your volunteer opportunities.  If you are not able to do this on-line, please contact Julie Thomas (616 245-4115).

This opportunity will be like nothing else you do this summer.  Touching lives in our community, through God’s love, can be a beautiful and powerful thing.  We hope you will join us for a life changing week!


Ready to sign up your own kids to participate in KidsGames?  Click here.

General Information

Want more general information about the program? Check out their website

Restoring Our Cities (ROC) Michigan

Restoring Our Cities (ROC) Michigan is a coast-to-coast statewide bike tour for cycling enthusiasts and amateurs alike.  The tour is organized by Great Lakes Urban and is open to the public for participation.   The purpose of the tour is to raise awareness and money for Neighborhood Partners that are performing neighborhood transformation work throughout the State.

The Alger Heights Collaborative (which the Branch is a part of) is a Neighborhood Partner for the event and is seeking riders to support and benefit our neighborhood school, Alger Middle.

This 6 day event takes place Saturday – Thursday, June 13-18, 2015.   It starts in Benton Harbor and ends in Detroit. The tour is about 320 miles (averaging 55 miles per day).

Each rider registers at $25.00 for each day of participation.  In addition to the nominal registration fee, riders are encouraged to seek out sponsors for each mile they ride at $2.00, per mile.  Proceeds will be donated back to the Neighborhood Partners throughout the State.

You can tour a single day or up to the entire week, depending on your availability.  Find more details or register at

Kickoff to Summer BBQ

Calling all Alger Heights and Garfield Park Neighbors!

You’re invited to a Kick-Off to Summer BBQ

Monday, June 8 at 6pm

Alger Middle School Playground

Hot dogs, drinks, place settings and games will all be provided. Please bring a dish to pass – last names from A-O bring a side dish and P-Z bring dessert.   All ages welcome. Minors must be accompanied by an adult.

Please RVSP by June 5, with number of guests and what dish you are planning to bring to Jenn Reidsma at or 988-9268 ext 205

Rain date Thursday, June 11 at 6pm


If you call the Branch home, we invite you to be a partner.  There are booklets available to work through, for new and returning partners, and Chris or any steward are more than happy to speak with you.  More info can be found here as well.

We will be hosting our first Partner Gathering of the year on May 31 from 2:30 – 5:30 at Seymour Christian Reformed Church.  (840 Alger SE)

PLEASE RSVP to so we know how many to expect. Thanks!

Mark your calendars – We hope to see you there!

Celebrate the Heights

Mark your calendars, it’s the annual Alger Heights celebration!

May 16 from 10a to 2p along the Alger Heights Business District (corner of Alger and Eastern)

Come check out info tables with local businesses, churches, and schools, plus giveaways.  Whether your a resident of Alger Heights or a visitor, there will be plenty of great opportunities to get to know local businesses.  The Branch will have a table, but we need you to staff it!  Let us know if you are able to help for a 1 hour block, passing out flyers and being a friendly face. 

RCA Volunteering and Mission Trips

Are you interested in serving in a big way?  Maybe you’ve always wanted to do a week long mission trip overseas.  Or help with disaster relief stateside.  But you weren’t sure how to get involved.   The RCA offers opportunities for groups or individuals of all ages.  Check out their website ( to see what opportunities fit you best.  Or call them at 616.541.0868

Small Groups – Brave Series

Join us for this six week journey as we explore taking brave steps and walking in the confidence and power of who God made us to be. Jesus calls us to step out of the boat and into an adventure. We’re constantly facing the choice to stay in comfort and security or rely on God’s power to face our fears and step into something new.

Small group material will build off Sunday’s messages, and yes, your kids can participate too.  By enhancing churches’ weekend messages with individual study and small group gatherings, the journey becomes a multi-layered, multi-sensory, multi-community experience.  We hope you’ll join us.


The Winkleman Family will be hosting a group on Tuesdays @ 6:30 in their Grandville home, beginning with a potluck dinner. This begins on April 14.  Email Nate at to sign up or for details.

The Madison Ave MC will also be hosting small groups.  They meet Thursdays @ 5:30, beginning with a potluck dinner.  Their first meeting will be April 16.  Email to sign up or for more details.



Palm Sunday – Worship with Alas

Palm Sunday, March 29, we will be holding a joint worship service with Alas.   Service will be at 11 am, with light refreshments to follow.

Upcoming Series: Brave

You’re riding out the prefect storm.  Wind and waves have their way with your pitiful boat.  You’re preoccupied with not drowning.  Yet in the midst of this mighty surge, you see a figure on the water, beckoning you.  Into the Storm.  Into the Unknown.  Into the New.

Who do you trust more?

The prefect storm, or the one calling you onto the water?

Take a New Step.  You were made to be Brave.


The Branch will be exploring what it means to be Brave. Gathered together on Sundays and scattered in smaller groups throughout the week.   We hope you will join us.

April 12 – Adventure – Luke 5

April 19 – Storm – Matthew 14

April 26 – Power – Matthew 14, John 14

May 3 – Leap – Matthew 14 revisited

May 10 -Brave – Matthew 16

May 17 – Recap and Celebrate!