Christmas Eve

681766_58243594Dirty straw.  Cold air.  Foul smells.  It wasn’t much of a beginning.  But somehow, in the most humble of ways, the EPIC story of redemption was finding its climax. Love had broken in.  The world would never be the same.

Join us at 5PM as we enter into the peace and hope of Jesus Christ. Kids will start off the night with a short program, childcare will follow for birth-5th grade.


mission-picMission is at the heart of the Branch. Every month we’re reaching out to serve and love. We hope you’ll join us. This month we’re focusing our energies on….

This week over 50 gifts, bags of personal care items and holiday meals are headed out to families in the surrounding neighborhoods.  It gives us joy to be a part of extending God’s love in this way!

In January, February and March we’re planning on locking arms with Alger Middle School again, as well as reaching out to the homeless and helping a refugee family get settled to a new life in Grand Rapids.  Details coming soon.


branchkidsGod has hopes and dreams for the future of every child.  Which is why we gather kids every Sunday and invite them to learn about their God; to live into the story of redemption; to experience the joy of community; to learn, laugh and play.

Sprouts: Birth – 24mos

Sprouts: 2year – 3year

Buds: 4 – 1st Grade

Twigs: 2nd – 5th Grade

Got questions before you come?  Wondering how you can help make an impact? E-mail

Parents: we are in the process of registering all children as a new school year begins.  Please click here to complete the registration form.