Recalibrate: What Shapes You? (1.13.19)
How can a trip to the mall shape who we are? Are we aware of the things that are shaping us? And are those things shaping us to be more like God? Listen here as we explore these questions.
How can a trip to the mall shape who we are? Are we aware of the things that are shaping us? And are those things shaping us to be more like God? Listen here as we explore these questions.
As we begin a new year we invite you to join us as we consider how to recalibrate our heart’s desires towards what really matters — to those things that are primary — to true north. Proverbs 4:23 says “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” We encourage you to keep that verse close over the next few weeks, maybe even memorize it. In John 1:35-39 Jesus asks his disciples what they want and we are asking the same question today. What do you desire? What does your heart seek? Listen here for more.
Listen here as we take our last journey of the Christmas story. Follow Mary, Joseph and Jesus as they travel to Egypt.
This week, we watch the angels bring peace as they journey to the shepherds in Luke 2:8-14.
We begin our Advent series this week with joy. Look at Luke 1:39-45 with us as find joy through Mary and Elizabeth, even in the midst of uncertainty.
We continue to watch the journeys of Advent unfold in Luke 2:1-5. This week, we follow Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem, and with them, we find hope.
What if we would look at the parable of The Good Samaritan from a different perspective? What if we would enter in to the story from the perspective of the wounded traveler? Would that change what we think of this story? What could we learn about our enemies?
This week we studied Jesus’ teaching from Matthew 13:31-35, the parables of the mustard seed and the yeast. We discovered that these two very short stories teach us much about the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom shows up through ordinary things, is one of abundant potential, and involves our action and trust.
Listen as we continue to look at the parables Jesus used to teach. This week we looked at the parable of The Pharisee and the Tax Collector from Luke 18:9-14.
What can we learn from a parable that spans just two verses? We think quite a lot! Listen here as we dig into the Pearl of Great Price from Matthew 13:45-46.
This Sunday, we welcomed Josh Wall from Fifth Reformed Church here in Grand Rapids to teach us about the parable of the tenants from Mark 12:1-12. Listen here as he unpacks this parable.
We began a new series this Sunday on the Parables of Jesus. This week, we read through Luke 15, reading the parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin and the lost son. These stories remind us to be people who remain attentive and people who celebrate. Listen here to find out how.
How do we become wise navigators of this complex, nuanced world? Listen here as we take a walk through the gospel of Luke, learning from how Jesus navigated the world around him.
This week, we looked at Luke 9:1-6, where Jesus sends out the 12 disciples, giving them power and authority to do some pretty amazing things. We know that God has given us that same power and authority. God invites us to be people who reimagine, risk and rest in God’s provision.
A renewed self means that we look and act more and more like Jesus. This week, we we talked about how Jesus compels us to be people who show up. What does that look like? We’ll explore that together. Listen here.
We continued our series on renewal this Sunday. This week we talked about incarnational living and how that involves listening, stopping and emptying.
In the second week of this series, we look at Matthew 9:9-13. “I desire mercy, not sacrifice.” Jesus tells the religious leaders to go and learn what this means. It’s a phrase they had memorized from the book of Hosea, but were they living it out? Where in our lives do we show mercy? Do we embrace those who are different than us or do we ignore them? Listen here as we look to Jesus as our example of a shockingly gracious and generous host.
What does it look like to join God’s work of renewal in the world? Listen here for the first sermon in a new series on renewal. And join us on Sunday mornings at 9:30 for the next few weeks as we continue to talk about renewal.
It was our great pleasure to worship with the congregation of Comunidad Cristiana de Grand Rapids this Sunday. Chris (Branch Pastor) and Rodrigo (CCGR Pastor), with the aid of a very talented translator, brought us the sermon together. Listen here as they taught us about judgement, Romans 2:1-4.
Our series on Forgotten Stories of the Bible continued this week as Sarah Lundberg taught us about Mary Magdalene. Listen here for some details that we don’t often here about this woman’s story.