Loser (7)

Week 7: Philippians 4

Loser (6)

Week 6: Philippians 3:12-30

Loser (5)

Week 5: Philippians 3:1-11

Loser (4)

Week 4: Philippians 2:12-30

Loser (3)

Week 3: Philippians 2:1-11

Loser (2)

Week 2: Philippians 1:12-30

Loser (1)

Week 1: Philippians 1:1-11

Relational Intelligence (3)

Week 3: Conflict and Resolution

Relational Intelligence (2)

Week 2: Communication

Relational Intelligence (1)

Week 1: the Languages of Love

The Rhythm of God

m3 (3)

Week 3: Dreaming New Dreams

m3 (2)

Week 2 – missional communities

m3 (1)

Week 1 – three things

Elijah (5)

Week 5: 1 Kings 19

Elijah (3)

Week 3

Elijah (2)

Week 2

Elijah (1)

Week 1: 1 Kings 17:1-6

the Gospel According to Hollywood (4)

Week 4: XMen First Class

the Gospel According to Hollywood (3)

Week 3: Voyage of the Dawn Treader