It All Hangs on Love

What is the greatest commandment?

It was a question meant to stump Jesus, but it didn’t trip him up: Love God. Love Neighbor. Love Yourself.

But that wasn’t all Jesus said. He went on to say that all of the commandments and religious laws and every word of the prophets hangs on love. Boil this life down — hone in on its center — strip away everything else but the core and you’ll find love.

In many ways we know this to be true. We have experienced the power of love — we have felt for ourselves the way in which love can fill us and the world. And yet, it can feel too simple. Almost, cliche.

Simple? Maybe. Easy? Definitely not. That’s why we’re taking the month of September to look closely and carefully at ‘the greatest of these.’ Have we misunderstood or underestimated love? Have we become cynical? What might be some ways forward for us to become people of greater and deeper love? We look forward to the conversation and we hope you’ll join us.


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