July at The Branch

July is a great month for vacations and outdoor fun! We also have some great opportunities to connect, learn new things and have fun with others at The Branch. Here’s what is happening in the life of The Branch in the month of July.

July 7 – Palmer Park Sunday – Discovering Our Connection

We’re going on a field trip! Instead of gathering at the building, we will gather at Palmer Park at 10am on Sunday, July 7.

Together we’ll explore Buck Creek to probe and discover what the natural world might have to teach us. For those feeling adventurous, you’ll step into a pair of waders and use nets to collect creek dwelling organisms. We’ll also need folks on land, collecting and identifying these cool creatures (there will be lots of ways to participate). Together, we’ll learn about the health and interconnectedness of the ecosystem.

For details on where we’re meeting and where to park click here: Palmer Park.

Fireside Chats

Every Tuesday evening in July, beginning on July 9 from 7-8:30pm, all are invited to the Herrboldt’s backyard for a time of connection and conversation…and s’mores of course! For more details and to let us know you are coming, click here.

Family Day

Each Sunday in July is Family Day at The Branch. For those Sundays that we will be at the building, there will be no BranchKids. We do this for a number of reasons. It gives our volunteers a chance to take a break from their responsibilities. And, it lets our kids know that they are a valued part of our community and we want to include them in all areas of our life together. We  know that having young kids in the sanctuary brings a different energy to our space – and we love that! We also recognize that kids might need some different ways to engage. To that end, we will be setting up a play space in the sanctuary with books, quiet toys and craft supplies. And, as always, our Art Cart will be stocked and available for anyone to use.

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