Entries by Chris

God? Is that you? (part 1)

This Sunday, after worship, I found myself in one of those conversations I absolutely love. It had started out simple enough: how was your week?, how’s work?, etc.  But then the friend I was talking with dropped this: “The message today was a tough one for me.” I had just preached on John 2:1-12 – […]

Vision (part 2)

Yesterday, we looked at how the first half of our vision statement is connected to the biblical theme of covenant.  Today – let’s look at how the second half is rooted in Kingdom. in the renewal of all things through Christ = kingdom As we embrace the covenant God has made with us, and the […]

Vision (part 1)

Vision: A community united with God in the renewal of all things through Christ. This past Sunday (10/20) we began a three week series about our vision, strategy and values.  And while we hope that these messages are super-duper-amazing, we know that we can’t cover it all in 30 minutes.  That’s why we’re writing this […]

2014 budget

Our process for forming our budget begins with your input and prayer. Here’s how you can join us.

connect + grow (small groups)

Starting the week of October 20 we’ll be launching a number of short-term small groups. The idea is simple: four households meeting for four consecutive weeks in order to connect and grow.  These groups are for everyone – new to the Branch or ol’-timer, adult or child, and are centered around a meal and a […]

refugee resettlement. relationship. mission.

Join the Refugee Mission Circle this Sunday, March 3, at 6:30 for dinner and conversation about this mission circle’s purpose and work.   It’s a great chance to connect with others — hear about what this MC will be doing — and discover how you could join in.  Kids are welcome — no need to […]

art. relationship. mission.

This Friday, March 1st, from 7pm to 9pm at the building our third mission circle invites everyone to an evening of great food and conversation.  Come and learn more about this mission circle, which is interested in helping the arts community — specifically artists — here in Grand Rapids. At this meal we’ll share more […]

Meal Nights (this fall)

This September/October, groups of 8-10 adults (and kiddos) will be gathering in homes around GR for four consecutive weeks.  The reason?  Simple: food and relationship.  If you’d be interested in being a host for one of these meals, email chris@thebranchonline.org


This Sunday we’ll be looking at Acts 2:1-21.  There’s too much here for us to consider on Sunday alone, so I wanted to share a few thoughts about one of the items we won’t have much time to discuss during worship: the day of Pentecost. For many of us today, we either connect the word […]

What should I do?

So where do we go from here? The Branch is a place where dreams and passions are free to unfold – a place where people are encouraged to explore the ways God may be moving them towards mission. God is already working, renewing and moving in the world and in the hearts of the people. […]

Who is in a Missional Community?

Branch MCs What is an MC? >Who is in an MC? What about kids and MCs? What does an MC do?   Two words: anyone and everyone. One of the strengths of Missional Communities is that they allow for people to get involved in a variety of ways.  Which is to say, there is no right […]

meal night

As fall settles in and the leaves begin to pile up, is there anything better than a warm bowl of soup with friends? On Friday, November 18…

Beneath the Tree

Last year, Beneath the Tree raised $4500 for CREATE — a gift that not only made CREATE 2011possible, but the best year yet. This November, we hope you will join us in making Beneath the Tree (and therefore CREATE) a huge success. Here’s how: