Advent starts this week! Join us as we prepare for Christ’s arrival by reading through devotionals together. You can find the readings here – AdventReadingGuide
Advent starts this week! Join us as we prepare for Christ’s arrival by reading through devotionals together. You can find the readings here – AdventReadingGuide
Advent starts next Sunday Nov 30! Advent is a season beginning four Sundays before Christmas where we prepare for Christ’s Birth. We invite you to take part in devotionals throughout Advent. The messages throughout Advent will be reflected in the readings. Dec 2: The Coming Lord Dec 7: The Coming Deliverer Dec 14: The Coming Messenger […]
We will NOT be meeting this Thursday, Nov 27. Have a great Thanksgiving and we’ll see you next week for our usual potluck dinner. We will also NOT be meeting on Christmas Day or New Year’s Day.
Alas Conexion church would like to invite you to their first Annual Vision Night! The date is Saturday, December 6 from 6:30pm to 8:00pm. Come enjoy a wonderful dinner as we share with you our work and vision in the city of Grand Rapids. You will be hearing some testimonies, plans, and dreams that God has put […]
Branch MCs What is an MC? Who is in an MC? What about kids and MCs? What does an MC do? You’re invited! An invitation that is open to everyone — every week. It’s an invitation to family. Over the last couple of years you may have heard us talk about Missional Communities (MCs) and you […]
Ladies – are you looking for great fellowship and conversation? Women of the Branch host a casual Bible Study discussing monthly topics. They meet in homes from 9:30 to 11 on Mondays. Coffee and a snack are provided. Children are welcome. For more information contact Trina at
We’re really excited to share in worship together! Sunday, Nov 9 @ 11:30 The Branch and Alas will be enjoying a joint service – shared worship, shared teaching, shared celebration! We invite you to celebrate and join us afterwards for some light refreshment.
Unfortunately, we’ve experienced some technical difficulties and the podcast sermons have not been recorded for the past few weeks. Don’t worry, we’re working on it! Should be up and running again shortly!
This Sunday — October 5 — the Branch will not be having worship at the building on 28th St.; instead, we’ll be up north on a retreat at CranHill Ranch. If you’re not able to go on the retreat with us…
On Sunday, September 7, we start “The 10:30 Challenge”. What’s this challenge all about…
We want our city — our neighborhoods — our homes — to look like heaven on earth. We long for beauty and life and joy to overtake this town. Jesus calls this holy overthrow the Kingdom of God. And when we look for it, we’ll find it (hint: it starts within). 9/7 LOVE | […]
Registration for our October 3-5 fall retreat at Cran Hill Ranch is now open! For more details and registration, CLICK HERE.
Chris wraps up the series by recapping two key ideas and celebrating steps people have already taken in this journey!
We’ve put together this resource to help give more context and understanding to this new tool we’ll be using. We know that there may be other questions out there – so please contact one of our staff (click on “Team Branch” in the Who We Are tab at the top of the page). Huddle FAQ […]
We are consumed. Bombarded with the alluring promises of savvy marketers and easy credit, we’re offered beauty, significance, security and happiness in just six easy installments and low, low monthly payments. Unsatisfied, we strive to accumulate more and more to fill the void that’s left when the buzz wears off. In the wealthiest nation in […]