We Heart GR
Campau and Lyon loved it first, we love it now.
Campau and Lyon loved it first, we love it now.
Start your week here. We gather at 11AM.
How do we stay connected to God and others in our fast-paced world? Where do we find strength and encouragement? Who will help us stay focused on the things that matter: transformation, mission,and love? Small groups are one of the places at the Branch where you’ll find people committed to these very things. And while each […]
We think kids are cool.
The first followers of Jesus often described the Holy Spirit as a wind or breath. We are guided by that wind as we follow Jesus and take up his mission of love and reconciliation.
With water we are baptized into community. Water gives life just as it cleanses and renews. Together we form streams of living water and offer love and hope to a spiritually thirsty world.
Over and over the scriptures compare the family of God to the branches of a tree. As long as these branches remain connected to the rest of the tree, there is life and growth. As the ancient story of God is retold and lived out among us we will be connecting ourselves to this ‘tree of life’.
God meets, embraces and transforms the culture around us like a purifying fire. God is not irrelevant to the world around us, but is the very best of that culture. And so, we believe that relevance to our culture is not optional.
God is creative. By breathing life into a lump of earth, God created us. Creativity is the natural result of being formed in the image of a creative God. Therefore, together we celebrate and embrace creativity in every form.