Ice Cream

Mackinaw Island Fudge.  Superman.  Cookies and cream.  Need we say more?  Get a scoop.  Kick back.  Have a conversation. Enjoy summer evenings at their best. Wednesday, June 23, 7PM.  Sundaes in the Heights: corner of Alger and Eastern

Mission: Tanzania

This past Sunday Matt and Lindsey shared the story of how God is calling them to Tanzania.  We assure you, this is worth a listen (at the bottom of this post).

When you’re finished, you may be wondering how you can partner with God’s work through the DeYoungs?  Here are a few ways:

  1. Stay in touch with the DeYoung’s by adding yourself to their e-mail list.
  2. Commit to consistently pray for the DeYoungs and the people of Tanzania.
  3. Support the DeYoung’s financially.  50 families at $50/month allows them to pack their bags and head out.
  4. Participate in the golf outing on Saturday, July 24 at Wallinwood.

Head to to contact them, pledge support, or sign up for the golf outing.


Without a Y chromosome?  Perfect.  This is the event for you.  All women (including friends, neighbors, co-workers) are invited to meet at Pietro’s on 28th St. Monday, June 21 @ 7 p.m.  The agenda?  Actually, there isn’t one.  she::gathers is simply conversation, good food, and the opportunity to build relationships.  Hope to see you there.

Guys Night

Ok…so this is a little last minute, but what else would you expect from a bunch of guys?
This Friday, June 18 – 5:30pm, join us for disc golfing at Old Farm Park (2298 Embro Dr SE ·  Kentwood).  No experience needed!  We’ll have extra discs if you don’t have any.  We’ll head out for food afterwards.  If you can’t make it for disc golf, shoot us an e-mail the day of to find out what restaurant we’ll be at (because let’s be honest, we probably won’t have decided until then).

Gospel According to Hollywood

We love movies.  They make us laugh.  They inspire us.  They are a quintessential form of entertainment.  But more than a good time, every movie – from Anchorman to Braveheart – has the potential to shape the way we see the world.  Movies reflect our culture back to us, do you like what you see?  Join us for our next series, The Gospel According to Hollywood.

June 6 – Iron Man 2

June 13 – Avatar

June 20 – Toy Story 3

June 27 – Invictus


All women are invited to the next she::gathers — an evening out to meet other women, share life (not to mention great food), and build relationships. We’re meeting at the Green Well — Monday, May 10th — 7PM. See you there.

The Ghost Small Groups

Beginning May 2nd, we’ll be forming short term small groups around a new series called The Ghost. These groups will meet for four consecutive weeks and be focused on building relationships and spurring growth.  Men’s, women’s and couples groups are available.  To sign up, e-mail

Partner Gathering

Partners — we’re looking forward to gathering together this Sunday — 5-7PM.  We’ll be discussing our future in our current building and talking about our future mission in Grand Rapids.  We hope you can make it!  RSVP:

Good Friday

This Friday – 7-8PM

Join us as we take time to remember the final hours of Jesus’ life.  Together, we’ll consider the unraveling of relationship and hope that took place in those dark moments– and in doing so we’ll prepare our hearts for the miracle of Easter.

Meal Night – March 28th

Ok….so this installment of ‘meal night’ is actually taking place in the afternoon — this Sunday — immediately after worship.  And this time around, we’ll be combining old with new.  Old = potluck (bring something to pass if you can).  New = a Wii bowling tournament (adults — you better bring your “A” game.  I have a feeling the kids are going to dominate).  We’ll have place settings and drinks.  We hope you join us!

Meal Night – March 12th

This Friday (March 12) we’d love to have you join us.  Meal nights are a relaxed way to meet people, hear stories, and get plugged into the community at the Branch.  The Laws are providing some food — the rest is potluck-style.  Feel free to bring something — or just show up.  Things get rolling at 6PM, but people are coming and going all evening as schedules allow.  We hope to see you!   For a map, click here.

Ash Wednesday


40 Days.

A journey towards Easter.

A time to reflect — to let go.

Join us for worship this Wednesday, February 17th @7PM as we prepare our hearts to encounter Jesus of Nazareth.  Childcare birth-4 years old is provided.  Older children are encouraged to participate in worship.


In the coming weeks people from the Branch will be gathering together to serve people locally and beyond.  For details of how you can get involved, click on the “We ‘Heart’ GR” link below.  Then shoot us an email:

We ‘Heart’ GR

Valentine’s Day Brunch

Just to be clear: this is not a brunch you need a date for.  No romantic candles or heart shaped candy.  Instead, this meal is a chance for the Branch and New Life (the church who owns the building we meet in) to connect with one another and build relationships (it just so happens it falls on Valentines Day :).

There are two ways you can participate (and your participation matters!):

  1. Simply show up! Eat some food.  Meet someone from New Life.  Doing this alone will have a significant impact.
  2. Help prepare food. We’re keeping the menu simple, but we could still use help getting things ready.  Email if you’ve got 30 minutes to spare.

Brunch starts at 10:20AM and will end a few minutes before 11AM.  We hope to see you there!

Meal Night – February 5th

When people sit around a table and share food together something happens.   Laughs are shared.  Appetites are satisfied.  Relationships begin.  That’s why we regularly gather together for ‘meal nights’: a simple evening of food and conversation.

Our next gathering is Friday, February 5th at the Navis’ home.  For a map, click here. It all starts at 6PM, but come as your schedule allows — stay for three hours or five minutes.  We hope to see you!

30 Days to Live


What if you learned you had just 30 days to live? How would your life be different? Is it possible to make the most of every day, right now?

January 17: Living in the Moment

January 24: Focusing On What Matters

January 31: Leaving a Godly Legacy

February 7: Fighting for Peace

SMALL GROUPS will be a central part of this series — helping the Scripture move from our head to our heart. So whether you’re new to the Branch or a long-timer, we hope you’ll dive in. Everyone is invited.

These short-term small groups will begin meeting the week of January 17, and will gather for five consecutive weeks.  If you’re interested in joining a group, click on the “Contact Us” tab at the top of the page and put “30 Days to Live SG” in the subject line. Also, let us know what group you’d prefer joining. It’s that simple. We’ll e-mail you details.

Sunday evening: couples (with or without kids)

Sunday evening: women’s group

Sunday evening: singles & couples (i.e. everyone!)

Tuesday morning: men’s group

Wednesday evening: men’s group

To find out more about what Sunday mornings look like, click here.


All women are invited to the next she::gathers — an evening out to meet other women, share life, and build relationships. We’re meeting at the Sparrow coffee/tea house — 1035 Wealthy St.  Wednesday, January 13, 8PM.1243927_17899596

Meal Night: January 22nd

meal-nightOne of our strongest desires and values at the Branch is to see people connected in meaningful, life-giving relationships. Meal nights are one of the ways that we live out this value. As we gather for a meal, names are learned, stories are shared and relationships are deepened.

Our next gathering is Friday, January 22, 6:00PM. Come whenever you’re able – stay for 5 minutes or three hours.  For a map to the Stoke’s home, click here:

3576 Arbor Chase Ct.
Grand Rapids, MI 49525

Hope to see you there (oh….and bring a sled 🙂

Christmas Eve

681766_58243594Dirty straw.  Cold air.  Foul smells.  It wasn’t much of a beginning.  But somehow, in the most humble of ways, the EPIC story of redemption was finding its climax. Love had broken in.  The world would never be the same.

Join us at 5PM as we enter into the peace and hope of Jesus Christ. Kids will start off the night with a short program, childcare will follow for birth-5th grade.


mission-picMission is at the heart of the Branch. Every month we’re reaching out to serve and love. We hope you’ll join us. This month we’re focusing our energies on….

This week over 50 gifts, bags of personal care items and holiday meals are headed out to families in the surrounding neighborhoods.  It gives us joy to be a part of extending God’s love in this way!

In January, February and March we’re planning on locking arms with Alger Middle School again, as well as reaching out to the homeless and helping a refugee family get settled to a new life in Grand Rapids.  Details coming soon.