Wholehearted – Week 4 (3.20.22)

This week we expand our vocabulary of the heart by considering wonder and awe — what they are, what they feel like and what they often help lead us toward.

Wholehearted – Week 3 (3.13.22)

What’s the difference between joy and happiness? And what are the costs of choosing foreboding joy? We explore these parts of our heart while looking at a great story from Luke 15.

DEBRIEF – Mapping Our Future – Week 4 (3.3.22)

Teresa and Chris sit down to debrief our final week of conversation about where we are headed and how we might get there.

As you’ll hear in this short podcast (just 11 minutes), we not only took away some important things from Sunday’s dialogue, but we’re also inviting everyone to continue the conversation in some specific ways in the coming weeks.

DEBRIEF: Mapping Our Future – Week 3 (2.22.22)

Teresa and Chris share a summary of Sunday’s conversation on “Grow”, including what stood out to them and what we will be paying attention as we move forward.


DEBRIEF – Mapping Our Future – Week 2 (2.15.22)

For the next three weeks we won’t be releasing a podcast from Sunday since most of the morning is being spent in small groups, discussing various questions about our core values. But – we will be releasing these DEBRIEF podcasts — short summaries and take-aways from the morning.

DEBRIEF: Mapping Our Future, Week 1

During this series, we’ll also be sharing these brief podcasts which summarize Sunday’s main ideas. This week we also reflect on the survey folks filled out during worship. If you didn’t get the chance to complete the survey, you can do so by heading here.

Mapping Our Future – Week 1 (2.6.22)

We’re taking the month of February to map our future together.

Any good map shows you three things: where you are, where you are going, and some options for how to get there.
Sundays in February will center around these three things.

To begin, we took a look at a story from John 4 – a story that gives us a sense of where we are called to go. We are called to become people who receive and offer embrace, who are growing, and who participate in the renewal of God in the world.

Detour – Week 5 (1.30.22)

Our final week in the Detour series considers the regret that can come when things don’t go according to plan. What do we do with that regret? Is it possible that regret can be a ‘call to courage and a path toward wisdom?’ (Brene Brown, Atlas of the Heart).

Detour – Week 4 (1.23.22)

One of the emotions we encounter when life gets detoured is disappointment. And while we may be able to move beyond some disappointment fairly easily, some disappointment carries deep pain, confusion and even shame. We consider this emotion — and what is behind it — this week as we also consider stories found in Mark 3 and 10.

Detour – Week 3 (1.12.22)

As challenging and disorienting as disruptions and detours are, this week we consider what opportunities detours might offer us as we take a look at the story of Saul’s detour in Acts 9.

Close to Home – Week 1 (11.28.21)

Our first week in Advent did not include a typical sermon, but a mixture of music, prayer and reflection. There were two main sections of reflection, both introduced by Chris. The first one set up the series, inviting us to consider what the idea of “home” might mean to us and how we might be homesick. The second reflected on one of the lectionary texts for this Sunday in which hope is found in the midst of separation and distance.

Upside Down – Week 6 (11-21-21)

Our final week of the series invites us to interrogate what vision we have built our lives on. We close by focusing on something as simple and stunning as a flower to help us remember who we are and what we are invited to do.

Upside Down – Week 5 (11.14.21)

What does it mean to be blessed? And how do we experiencing the blessing Christ talks about? By accumulating power? Putting on a good face? By protecting our interest? What if openness, humility and vulnerability were the door through which we experience a blessed life?

To see the google doc we created together in worship, click here.

Upside Down – Week 3 (10.31.21)

Jesus ends the Sermon on the Mount with three passages that carry a similar theme: a life of faith, life in the Kingdom, is more than just lip service or idle listening. We are called to bear fruit. Which perhaps begs a question: how? How does one bear fruit? Together we consider some ideas and encourage each other to be intentional this week.

See the google doc we created at the end of the message.

Upside Down – Week 2 (10.24.21)

Presence, Not Performance
Matthew 6:1-18 (The Message)

In the second week of this series we consider the temptation to turn faith into a performance. We can so easily try to leverage gifts like prayer and generosity for our own benefit — to gain the attention of others or the approval of God. Jesus is clear: this is an upside down way to live. The call is not to perform, but to be present. To go away to a solitary place, shut the door, put away the pretense and open ourselves us as best we can to the grace God always offers us.

Here’s a link to the google doc we created together: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OPPDSyg7gSbvMyNt-6GNAjjaD-khWtrtyVaS9eN3Qo0/edit?usp=sharing

recalibrate (participate) – Week 5 (10.10.21)

Our final week looks at a core value that pushes against one of the strongest currents in modern day life.

recalibrate (partnership) – Week 4 (10.4.21)

Good news: this week’s podcast is nice and short.

Bad news: it’s nice and short because only the first half got recorded.

Back to the good news: the 2nd half was really just us giving time for people to reflect on Romans 16:1-15, write their thoughts in a google doc (which you can find here) and then mention a few notes to finish up.

If you’re giving this a listen, we invite you to add to the google doc. What did you notice in the passage, especially around partnerships? And…what partnerships are currently in your life, or do you feel called to form?

recalibrate (simplicity) – Week 3 (9.26.21)

Week three brings us to the core value of simplicity. Yes, the world is in need of renewal; and yet, God does not intend for us to burn out as we try to be everything to everyone. Instead, we must choose simplicity. We must discern what is ours to do and not to do.

Here is a link to the google doc we created.

And here is the link to the blog post Chris references from Nadia Bolz Weber.

recalibrate (incarnation) – Week 2 (9.19.21)

Week 2 of our series on our core values takes us through the value of incarnation. We consider what it means to be incarnational and what we might do to embody the presence of Christ in our everyday lives.

recalibrate (liberty) – Week 1 (9.12.21)

Our first week in a series on our core values takes a look at Liberty — a commitment we have made to practice humility, proximity and curiosity when we encounter those who we disagree with, dislike or are different from. Here’s the google doc we created together.