Faces of Our Faith – 8.29.21
Our final Sunday in our series. Together, we look back at the series as a whole, and consider three themes we see in the collective of characters.
Our final Sunday in our series. Together, we look back at the series as a whole, and consider three themes we see in the collective of characters.
This week, instead of focusing on one or two biblical characters, we’re looking at 28. Most of these folks, from Romans 16, are never mentioned again in the biblical text, and yet this passage (Romans 16:1-16) helps to remind us of how God calls us to live, and how that might differ from the current of our culture.
Guest preacher Deborah McCreary invites us to consider what Shiphra and Puah’s story may have to say to us today.
Elliot leads us through the extremely short, and often overlooked book of Philemon – inviting us to ask what Onesimus, Philemon and Paul may have to teach us about our vocation.
After considering the ‘After-Times’ in the month of May, we pick up a series we started in April: Faces of Our Faith. This week, we look at Priscilla and Aquila. They are only mentioned in four places in the NT – and yet their story instructs and challenges us for what our lives might look like today.
We begin a new series this Sunday which invites us to look at a number of biblical characters who are often overlooked. Their stories, although obscure, are instructive for our lives.
Discerning our vocation can be aided by considering a unique intersection. Where does our deep gladness, the world’s deep hunger and the work of God’s Spirit intersect? We explore this together by looking at Luke 10 and the sending of the 70.
As we continue a look at the the idea vocation, we consider the end goal. What is every calling and vocation leading us toward? Luke 4:1-21
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In our final week of this series we look back on the last four weeks and consider an idea that makes all the others possible: I need you.
One of the most destructive voices in our lives is the voice of shame. Shame tells us that we’ll never be enough — that there’s no way we are worthy of love. If people only knew the real us…
The Scriptures speak to us not with a voice of shame, but compassion. In a story from Luke 15, we see shame at work in the lives of two brothers. The way out is to listen to the words of their father. Can we do the same?
This week we look at Acts 15 and 1 Corinthians 18 — windows into how some of the first Jesus followers navigated disagreement. This is a critical topic today as our handling of disagreement, both personally and societally is dysfunctional at best. Where do we need to grow so that disagreement becomes a transformative opportunity?
Showing up is an incredible act of strength. To show up as we are, with what we have, takes great courage and vulnerability. And…and…showing up is what is required to grow, heal and be changed.
Strength is typically through of as muscle and grit — it leads to success — it’s powerful and bold. And while that is true, this view of strength is one-dimensional. What makes a person strong is more than muscle or a superior intellect. Strength comes in unexpected ways; ways our world may even tell us are weakness.
Join us as we look at a number of stories from the Scriptures of (unexpected) Strength.
This is week 1 in a five-week series.
Week 4 of our Advent series
Week 3 of Advent brings the theme of joy, something that has often felt in short supply this year.
The lectionary text (Luke 1:39-55) invites us to consider how joy might find its beginnings in anticipation of what is to come; in faith and trust in a promise made.