God With Us: Mary (Week 2)

This week, Brian Workman led us in the practice of Lectio Divina. Our BranchStudents group helped lead this practice by explaining how it works and reading the story for us. We invite you to spend some time with this story (Luke 1:26-56) and listen to what God might be telling you through it. Where does Mary’s story intersect with your own? There will be times of silence in the podcast for you to follow the 4 steps of Lectio Divina.

Lectio Divina Steps:

  1. Lectio: Read or listen to the passage. Be open. Take your time. On the second reading, begin to look for a word or phrase that sticks out to you. If nothing sticks out, that’s ok, just pick a word or phrase – or try to take the whole reading in.
  2. Meditatio: Think! Why do you think that word or phrase stuck out to you? What is going on in that part of the passage? As you think about it, how do you feel? Begin to wonder if God is using the word to invite you – to do something? To let go of something? To know something new (or more fully) about God or yourself?
  3. Oratio: Pray. This is a simple and honest response to the passage, and the things you have been thinking about/pondering.
  4. Contemplatio: The simplest way to think of it is to rest in God’s presence. Rest in the love that God has for you. Allow God’s Spirit to draw you close and fill you with his love, grace and peace.
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