Who is in a Missional Community?

Branch MCs


What is an MC?

>Who is in an MC?

What about kids and MCs?

What does an MC do?


Two words: anyone and everyone.

One of the strengths of Missional Communities is that they allow for people to get involved in a variety of ways.  Which is to say, there is no right or wrong way to participate  – each layer of engagement is valued and important.  Plus, the layers are permeable, meaning that people are free to move in and out and between each layer as they choose.  Take a look below for a visual of where you or your family might fit…

















Layers of Belonging in an MC

There are many ways to belong to a Missional Community.   Some may approach the community not knowing God, uncertain if they want to participate at all.  Others will immediately begin on a leadership path.  All are welcome.  There is a place of belonging and a role for each individual and family in the community life of a Missional Community.  Each person, new and old, renews and re-evaluates commitments as time goes on.  All members can move between levels accordingly.


Those approaching MC from the outside may have noticed activities of the group that interest them for some reason but are unsure exactly what a Missional Community is and how they want to participate.  We expect that some of these individuals do not know God at all, or are estranged from life with God.  They do not belong to a congregation or worshipping body.  Perhaps they are not currently interested in God but are a Person of Peace* who wants to see the world or neighborhood renewed and healthy.  Or, the person entering from the edges may know God and affirm the efforts of the Missional Church*, but may not know anyone else in the MC and/or may not know what a MC is or what the mission focus is exactly.  They are just beginning to discover what this community is about and whether or not God is calling them into it.  Either of these individuals can easily move to regular engagement.


This is one who attends gatherings and activities  with some regularity.  This person may have come to the MC from the exploration layer, or they may have come from the outside and immediately committed to regular participation.  Some of these individuals may know God.  Some may not know God but are People of Peace that want to see the world or neighborhood renewed and healthy.  They may be involved in searching for or following through with mission opportunities or activities.  They may be involved in watching the edges of the MC for those approaching and helping to show them what the MC is and what the mission vision is.


The participants in this layer of belonging are regular participants, who may or may not be involved in special participation of the group in some way. Community Members are a part of regular spiritual direction and discernment activities. They are involved in searching for mission opportunities and/or activities. They are involved in watching the edges for those approaching and helping to show them what the MC is and what the mission vision is. They are a part of communicating the Gospel of justice, peace, hope, and reconciliation through Jesus Christ.

Community Members are encouraged to participate in the larger congregational life through worship gatherings. They are also strongly encouraged to consider joining The Branch as a Partner. We are committed to the belonging of the whole Missional Community within the life of The Branch. This means that Missional Communities are at home and supported by the congregational missional church. Regular participation in congregational worship and gatherings leads to strong familial ties between the Missional Community and the congregation.

Community Members commit to the following patterns in joy, freedom and faith:

  1. Regular engagement in MC life and support of the Mission Vision & Focus
  2. 15 min daily prayer/meditation/scripture/contemplation time
  3. Affirmation of Faith and Missional Calling*
  4. Special support and participation in one of the following areas: Mission or Making Disciples


MC members in this layer are regular attenders of events, gatherings and meetings. They are also engaged in leadership roles within the MC life. These members will be an MC Host or a leader for Making Disciples or Mission within the MC. The Host will take responsibility for the environment and hospitality of the group’s gatherings. This may include meal planning, greeting, etc. The two leaders take responsibility for making sure the group observes life-giving patterns of the 3 MC Rhythms. They will also be part of smaller gatherings called Huddles that will further disciple-making, personal growth and accountability.

Covenant Members commit to the following patterns in joy, freedom, and faith:

  1. Regular engagement in MC life and support of the Mission Vision & Focus
  2. 20 min daily prayer/meditation/scripture contemplation time
  3. Affirmation of Faith and Missional Calling*
  4. Accept responsibility for maintaining the 3 Rhythms
  5. Accept responsibility for Hosting, or  leadership of either Mission or Making Disciples
  6. Leaders will attend huddle meetings
  7. Leaders will enter and completing Partnership process at The Branch*
  8. Leaders will participate in creating a system of giving and finances for this MC
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  1. […] To get an even fuller understanding about the answer to this question, we strongly encourage you to look at the ‘layers’ documents here. […]

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