Entries by Chris

Advent Yoga

This season we are about to enter is busy. Like, really insanely busy. You’re invited to take an hour to step away from it all. An hour to rest, breathe, connect. Everyone is welcome – regardless of their level of experience with yoga. The class meets at the Branch building at 7:30pm starting 12/1 and […]

December Potluck!

As is our tradition, the first Sunday of the month is a chance to get together, connect, and enjoy some good food. This time, we’ll be having a good ol’ fashioned potluck so bring a dish to pass. We’ll provide water and place settings. We’ll start right after worship is concluded and wrap up around […]

The Two Halves of Life

A number of years ago my wife and I spent some time in Las Vegas. The city was remarkable. But we also knew we wanted to get to the Grand Canyon. Neither of us had ever been. So we got in our rental car and made a long day trip. After about four hours we […]


Who are you becoming? Often our growth is hard to see. We race through life not realizing that every day we are becoming a certain kind of person. Incredibly, we have a choice about how we become this certain kind of person. We can either be passive in our formation – letting whatever comes along […]

Hurrican Dorian assistance

Hurricane Dorian was a massive storm. Its power was felt for two long weeks. From the severe destruction on the islands of the Bahamas to the wind, rain, and flooding in parts of the southeast US still actively recovering from previous storms, this storm’s impact will be felt for years to come. Hurricane Dorian left […]


Life is busy. The demands seem endless. So much is clamoring for our attention. Which means it is all too easy to lose focus of the things we say matter. This is true for individuals and for groups — including churches. That’s why we’re taking four Sundays to consider again the things we’ve said are […]


a·tone·ment: the reconciliation of God and humankind through Jesus Christ. We all know the image of the cross. It’s the symbol most associated with Christianity because Christ’s death is fundamental to Christianity. And yet, what exactly does Christ’s death mean? What precisely ‘happened’ in his sacrifice? Believe it or not, different Christians would answer those […]

Worship on July 7

Throughout the year, we worship with our sisters and brothers from Communidad Cristiana de Grand Rapids — and this Sunday (7/7) is one of those weeks! Join us at a different time — 11Am to noon — and stay after for drinks and snacks.

This is My Story

“I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” Philippians 1:6 This promise — both for us and all of creation — can be hard to believe. It’s easy to only see the brokenness of our […]

Holy Week

Join us this week as we retrace the final days of Jesus’ life, and in doing so, find purpose and courage for our days ahead. Maundy Thursday: 6-7pm We’ll share a variation of a Seder/Passover meal — the same meal that Jesus would have shared with his disciples at the Last Supper. Kids are encouraged […]

The Good and Beautiful Life

Lent. A six week period that ushers us towards Easter. A time of reflection and surrender. A gift. This year, we’ll use James Bryan Smith’s book, The Good and Beautiful Life to frame our conversation on Sundays. AND…we invite you to join with others for the six weeks of Lent in one of these three […]

Our Hopes for the Future

Hope is the fuel that propels us into the future. That may seem a bit cliche, or perhaps overstated, but we all know the darkness that settles in when hope is gone. For the next three weeks we will turn our attention to what is propelling us into the future. We’ll consider what unique role […]

Current Series – January 6-February 10

We all love something. And whatever we love, we will pursue (i.e. worship). Now, here’s the thing. We probably all know what we should love. But is knowing enough? (I may know that I should love foods low in fat, but…). Does just having the right information actually lead us to pursuing the right thing? As […]

Renew: Who are you becoming?

The dominant theme of the Scriptures is one of renewal; of a God determined to create and recreate a world in which peace, justice, beauty and love reign. And our mission as a church is to be a community that is joined with God in that restoration. And yet, renewal can feel elusive. Brokenness often […]

Worship with Communidad Cristiana (CCGR)

A few times a year — including this Sunday, September 2 — we join with our brothers and sisters at Communidad Cristiana de Grand Rapids (CCGR). These times of worship have become an incredible blessing – giving us a small glimpse into the larger Kingdom of God. We hope you can join us. The service […]

Current Series: Forgotten Stories

History offers us a number of heroes. The Bible is no different. Characters like Moses, Ruth and Paul dominate the skyline, and for good reason. Their lives (both the good and bad) are instructive. Through them we see how God interacts with us. But most of the characters in the Bible, and most of the people in […]

Easter Tailgate!

It’s back! Join us at 8:30am as we gather to celebrate the resurrection through great food, games and conversation. Weather permitting, we’ll be outside in the side lawn. If it’s too cold or rainy, we’ll meet in the fellowship hall. We’ll have some main fixings of a good Easter breakfast covered, including drinks. If you’re […]

A Journey into the Wilderness

“The wilderness of the Bible is a liminal space – an in-between place where ordinary life is suspended, identity shifts and the new possibilities emerge. Through the experiences of the Israelites in exile, we learn that while the biblical wilderness is a place of danger, temptation and chaos, it is also a place for solitude, […]