Entries by Chris

An Evening of (re)Connection and Vocation

On June 17 we welcome author and professor Winn Collier for an evening on Eugene Peterson and vocation. Through the generosity of a grant, dinner is free, each participant will leave with a copy of Collier’s book and we’re able to provide kid activities after dinner. Winn recently published the authorized biography of Eugene Peterson […]

Welcome to the Branch!

We’re so glad you’re here. We know that it takes energy and courage to find a faith community and our hope is that our website helps you in that search. Here are some things we think are important to know straight away…. First, we love people. All people. And we love all people because God […]

The After Times

The pandemic is not over…and yet, we are in a different place than we were twelve (even 3) months ago. Which begs a critical question: what will life look like in the ‘after-times.’ As the restrictions of the pandemic lessen, and therefore more freedom returns, what shape will our lives take? We have to be honest […]

Worship this Summer

Beginning May 2, we will offer two options for worship on Sunday mornings. Option 1: Live Stream on Facebook Every week at 10am we’ll stream worship through our Facebook page. Option 2: Garfield Park Beginning May 2, and running through the end of August, we will be gathering in Garfield Park from 10-11am. After considering […]

Holy Week

We’d be honored to have you join us and extend an invitation to others as we journey through Holy Week. Thursday, Friday and Sunday’s times of worship can be accessed through our Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/864871555 Sunday’s tailgate will be in person, socially distanced and masked in the Branch building’s parking lot. Thursday – Seder Meal; […]

Intersection – Week 4 (3.14.21)

Discerning our vocation can be aided by considering a unique intersection. Where does our deep gladness, the world’s deep hunger and the work of God’s Spirit intersect? We explore this together by looking at Luke 10 and the sending of the 70.

Intersection – Week 2 (2.28.21)

As we continue a look at the the idea vocation, we consider the end goal. What is every calling and vocation leading us toward? Luke 4:1-21 For this, and all of our podcasts, head over to https://anchor.fm/the-branch


During this season of Lent, we are entering into a conversation at the Branch about vocation. One way to think about vocation is to consider the ways that your every-day-ness (your routines, relationships, perspectives, experiences, gifts, etc.) intersect with God’s intentions for the world. When we look at Jesus’ life this is what we see: […]

Stories of (Unexpected) Strength – Week 4 2/7/21

One of the most destructive voices in our lives is the voice of shame. Shame tells us that we’ll never be enough — that there’s no way we are worthy of love. If people only knew the real us… The Scriptures speak to us not with a voice of shame, but compassion. In a story […]

Stories of (unexpected) Strength – Week 3

This week we look at Acts 15 and 1 Corinthians 18 — windows into how some of the first Jesus followers navigated disagreement. This is a critical topic today as our handling of disagreement, both personally and societally is dysfunctional at best. Where do we need to grow so that disagreement becomes a transformative opportunity?

Stories of (unexpected) Strength – Week 2

Showing up is an incredible act of strength. To show up as we are, with what we have, takes great courage and vulnerability. And…and…showing up is what is required to grow, heal and be changed. https://anchor.fm/the-branch/embed/episodes/Stories-of-unexpected-Strength—Week-1-ep80h0

Stories of (unexpected) Strength – Week 1

Strength is typically through of as muscle and grit — it leads to success — it’s powerful and bold. And while that is true, this view of strength is one-dimensional. What makes a person strong is more than muscle or a superior intellect. Strength comes in unexpected ways; ways our world may even tell us […]

Stories of (unexpected) Strength

Let’s be honest. We’re tired. Tired of the pandemic. Tired of separation. Tired of division. Tired of hate. Or to come at it from another angle: we are in desperate need of strength. But strength is a funny thing. The word carries with it images of sculpted physiques and unflappable personalities. We tend to think […]