Unity, Liberty, Charity: Week 2

In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, LIBERTY. In all things, charity.
This week we look at how to allow freedom of thought and freedom of will in things that are non-essential.

Please utilize the handout below to fully engage with this message.

Liberty Handout Web


Unity, Liberty, Charity: Week 1

We begin this series by looking at Christ’s unmistakable call to unity.  We also work to reclaim the often forgotten truth that there is much more that binds us together than separates us, even in this debate.

We also strongly encourage you to engage with these questions and readings this week to further reflect on this issue and prepare you for the next week:



Current Series: The Places of Jesus

It’s easy to take for granted just how remarkable is the earth-bound rootedness of Jesus.  Consider it:  His feet touched this earth.  He breathed this air. He called this place home.  The places of Jesus both formed him and were transformed by him.

Through Lent, we’ll explore some of the key places of Jesus’ life, as well as our own places; together we’ll discover the ways that God is using those places to form us, and the ways God is using us to transform those places.

March 5 – The Power of Place (with special guests Tim Soerens and Paul Sparks)

March 12 – Nazareth

March 19 – Capernaum

March 26 – The Mountainside

April 2 – The Table

April 9 – Jerusalem

New Year’s Breakfast

Welcome the New Year with us as we share breakfast before worship. Come anytime after 8:30am.

Sure, it’s a bit early, but we’re keeping things low-key and simple.

Click here to sign up for something to bring.


Merry Christmas!

Over the last month we’ve been humbled and grateful as the Branch has repeatedly been an extension of Christ to the world. Here’s a snapshot of ways in which God has worked through us to spread the Good News:

In the last month, our kids gave offerings totaling $175 to purchase 5 pairs of shoes, 3 mosquito nets and 1 set of new bedsheets & blanket for kids with Kenya Matters (we know that many of you also purchased items from the gift catalog)!

We came together to ensure a Congolese refugee family of six had all the winter gear they needed.

We were approached by a school social worker about a GR mother of four who was in need of basics (bedding, underwear, socks). We used resources from our Helping Hands Fund (a fund completely supported by your gifts) to provide the needed items as well as a gift card that would give her the ability to purchase gifts for her kids.

And, this week we’ll write year-end gifts to our two ministry partners: Frontline Recovery and Kenya Matters.

We use the pronoun “we” throughout this email because each expression of love was possible because of God’s work through us.  This wasn’t about individual efforts or solo heroes, but a community of people doing their best to listen to and respond to what God is doing around them.

Thank you for being a part of the Branch and making a difference in the world around you.

Merry Christmas!

Christmas Eve Service

Our Christmas Eve Service will be held from 5-6pm on Saturday, December 24th. (Please note that we will NOT be worshipping on Christmas morning.) We are hoping to provide childcare for children 4 and under so stay tuned for more information on that. If not, we’re hoping the little ones will enjoy the service with you (and allow you to enjoy it, too). If you’d like to be involved, please see below.

We believe very strongly here at The Branch in utilizing multiple voices and leaders in worship. We’re kicking that up a notch for our Christmas Eve Worship service. There will be creative opportunities for both adults and kids (preschool age and up) to participate through art, dance, drum circle, choir or readings. Rehearsals will be the next two Sundays (11th & 18th) from 11 – noon. Email Teresa if you haven’t signed up yet.

Refugee Resettlement

We are helping a Congolese family of six get settled in America after arriving just a few weeks ago.  A major needed item are winter books.  Boots do not have to be new, but should be in good used condition. You can click here to find details of what exactly is needed.  If you are able to donate something, please indicate this on the spreadsheet by filling in your name next to the name you are donating for.

We would like to deliver these boots as soon as possible due to the changing weather. Please deliver to 2020 Madison by Friday, December 9.


Recently we shared the exciting news that we have received a Lily Grant to fund a 2017 sabbatical for Chris. We made a video that shares details about what that means for the Branch and for the DeBlaays.  Give it a watch by clicking here.

Branch Retreat Timeline

Branch Retreat

This weekend (9/24 & 9/25) is the Branch Retreat, starting at 2:00 pm on Saturday. It will be held at the DeBlaay-Oeverman homes (2020 and 2030 Madison). This event is completely free of charge!

Here’s a rough timeline of events (emphasis on ‘rough’…it’s a flexible time together and we may move things around as needed).


  • 2-3pm Kick-Off and Connect
  • 3-5pm Games and Serve (we’ll have some planned activities, including a way to serve others half way around the world)
  • 5-6pm Connect
  • 6-7:30pm Dinner
  • 7:30-?pm Games and Smores
  • You are welcome (dare we say encouraged!) to set up your own tent and join us for a camp out Saturday night or you can head home, sleep in your own bed and join us again in the morning. 🙂


  • 7:45-8:00am  Time of prayer in park
  • 8-9am Breakfast and Clean Up
  • 9:15am – Worship at the Branch building

Saturday dinner and Sunday breakfast will be a planned potluck – everyone bringing something specific to contribute.  Please sign up for food this week!

Autumn for the Kids

Sept 11 – BranchKids Kick-off

  • Nursery: Infants – 24 months
  • Toddler: 2 – 3 year olds
  • PreSchool: 4 – 5 year olds
  • Grade School: 1st – 4th grades

Join us as we begin a new year and new curriculum in BranchKids. Nursery, Toddler and PreSchool classes meet downstairs in their rooms at the beginning of worship. The Grade School class starts out in worship and is dismissed to their room before the sermon. In each room, the kids will learn about and experience God’s love. After worship, you can pick your kids up from their rooms downstairs.

Sept 18 – BranchStudents Kick-off

Students and parents, join us at our first meeting of the year for food and fellowship at Brian and Laura Workman’s home. The rest of the year, we will meet (without the parents!) on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month. We will share a meal, play games, and study the Bible. When there is a fifth Sunday, we will gather together for a special activity. More details on those events coming soon…

Sept 25 – Family Day

PreSchool and Grade School classes will not on the last Sunday of each month. Instead, they will join us for corporate worship. Coloring pages and other age appropriate activities will be available in the back of the sanctuary. We think it’s important for the kids to experience corporate worship. We also recognize that they are kids and we don’t expect them to sit quietly for the entire hour. It’s ok if we hear them and it’s ok if they have to walk out and use the bathroom. They are part of our family and we love them just the way they are.

Oct 2 – BranchKids Offering Kick-Off

We will begin collecting money for Kenya Matters in the PreSchool and Grade School classes. For more information on that organization, visit www.kenyamatters.org. We will encourage kids to collect their spare change at home or bring money as part of our weekly collection so we can help feed kids in another part of the world.

Autumn at the Branch

It’s hard to believe that Autumn is near, isn’t it? Kids are going to be starting school, the air around us will be cool and we’ll either embrace or avoid pumpkin flavored everything. We have big plans at the Branch for this Autumn and we hope you’ll be able to join us for a lot of it, all if you can. Our focus, as always, is getting more connected to our Branch family, our extended communities and to God.

So, what’s happening?


BranchStudents Kick-off!

Joins us September 18 for the BranchStudents kick-off. BranchStudents is for those in 5th grade and up, and this kickoff week we want parents to come too! (sorry, no siblings). Updates and details are on the BranchStudents Facebook page. You can RSVP there.

Rice & Beans

The week of September 19-23 we will be inviting everyone to eat rice & beans for dinner (or use only items in your pantry, or pick another way to lower your eating costs for the week — be creative!).  The point is to spend less on food, make a sacrifice by changing your normal routine and preferences, and then give whatever you saved on food as a gift to Frontline Recovery. Frontline Recovery is a southeast Grand Rapids nonprofit devoted to working with those who struggle with substance addiction.  They are a light and we are excited to partner with them this fall.

All Church Retreat

September 24 & 25 is the All Church Retreat, starting at 1:00 pm on Saturday. It will be held at the DeBlaay-Oeverman homes (2020 and 2030 Madison). This event is completely free of charge!

Here’s a rough timeline of events (emphasis on ‘rough’…it’s a flexible time together and we may move things around as needed). Please sign up today by emailing “I’m/we’re in!” to admin@thebranchonline.org.


  • 1-2pm Kick-Off and Connect
  • 2-5pm Games and Serve (we’ll have some planned activities, including a way to serve others half way around the world)
  • 5-6pm Connect
  • 6-7:30pm Dinner
  • 7:30-?pm Games and Smores
  • You are welcome (dare we say encouraged!) to set up your own tent and join us for a camp out Saturday night or you can head home, sleep in your own bed and join us again in the morning. 🙂


  • 7:45-8:00am  Time of prayer in park
  • 8-9am Breakfast and Clean Up
  • 9:15am – Worship at the Branch building

Saturday dinner and Sunday breakfast will be a planned potluck – everyone bringing something specific to contribute.  We’ll have sign ups for food the week before once we have numbers.

Get Connected Lunches

September 25th (and the last Sunday of every month going forward): If you’re new to the Branch or newish and looking to get more connected, we’d love to have you join us for lunch (our treat). We’ll head to a local restaurant and take some time to listen to your story and share the story of the Branch. Kids are welcome.

Beer & Hymns

The fourth Tuesday of every month we sing hymns and drink beer (or your chosen beverage) at the Last Chance Tavern & Grill on Burton in Grand Rapids. If you have yet to make it to one of these events, we hope that you’ll come soon and add your voice to the chorus (and the verses, too). Follow us on Facebook!


Small Groups

Starting the week of October 9th and going for 6 weeks, we will be having another round of small groups to follow along with our sermon series. More details and sign-up sheets to come!

Marriage Retreat

The weekend of October 28 & 29 Drew & Hanna Brennan will be leading a Marriage Retreat for Branch couples. The weekend will start on Friday (6-8:30pm) with dinner and continue on Saturday (9-2pm).  Sign ups will begin the week of September 11. We’d love to have you and your spouse (or spouse-to-be) attend this empowering weekend.

Thanks for reading! We hope we made it onto your calendars for Autumn 2016!

Our Story: Tools for Week 2 (and week 1)

Every week we’ll be posting some ideas on how you can more deeply engage the Old Testament. Parents: these tools will be written in a way so that you can use them with your kids.  If you do use them with children, it may work well to pick one question/activity per day.  This will keep things short and simple, while giving you a touch point each day.

Week 2 – June 13-18

We covered some ground this week, moving from Adam and Eve’s decision to choose their own way, through Cain and Abel, Noah, long genealogies and Babel (missed the sermon? You can find the podcast by clicking here). Here are some questions to help you go deeper this week — knock them all out in one sitting — or reflect on one each day.

  1. This week, memorize the names of the first six books of the Bible in order (Genesis, Exodus…Joshua).  We’ll add three more books each week so that by the end of summer you can have all of the books memorized.
  2. Read Genesis 3:1-5.  Today — this week — how are you being tempted to choose your own way vs. God’s way? (if you’re breathing, you’re almost certainly facing this temptation).  Be on the lookout today.  Watch for those places and times when another way ‘looks pleasing to the eye.’  Spend a minute praying, asking God to give you strength in those moments.
  3. The serpent questions God’s ways (vs. 1), says that God can’t be trusted (vs. 4) and that God’s ways are restrictive (vs. 5).  At first glance we may say that the serpent’s accusations are ludicrous — but pause for a moment and ask yourself, have I ever been tempted by the same thoughts?  Are there times when you doubt God — or doubt God’s ways — or believe that God’s ways would hold you back from really living?
  4. Every relationship was fractured when Adam and Eve chose to go their own way:  Their relationship with creation itself, with each other, with God and personally are all impacted.  Take a few minutes to:
    • Reflect on the world at large.  Where do you see the most brokenness (i.e. in humans relationship with each other or in or relationship with creation, etc.)?  Spend a few minutes praying for that area.
    • Reflect on your life.  Which of these relationships (with creation, each other, God or yourself) would you say you are experiencing the most brokenness? Take time to pray, asking God to heal and restore this part of your life. What step could you take today to move toward healing?
  5. Read Genesis 11:1-4.  The people of Babel continue the pattern of humanity to this point: choosing autonomy and their own way instead of God’s.  Specifically, the people of Babel want to “make a name for themselves.”  Take a few minutes to survey your life. Where are trying to make a name for yourself?  What might God be asking you to change?
  6. Read Colossians 1:15-20.  Jesus is the image of the invisible God.  He perfectly reflects God to us and us to God.
    • What does Jesus show us it looks like to perfectly live in the image of God? (vs. 20).
    • What is one concrete thing you could do today to follow Jesus and lay down your life?



Week 1 – June 6-11

This week we looked at Chapter 1 of Genesis (next week we’ll cover chapters 2-11!).  The story of Creation isn’t just the story of how things were.  It’s also the story of how our world should, and one day will, be.

For reflection:

  1. Genesis 1 shows us that God is before and above all things.  Think about the splendor, complexity and beauty of creation.  Take a 3-4 minutes (by yourself or with others) to list as many things as you can from creation that tell you about how great God is.
  2. On Sunday we talked about how we are created for each other.  What is one relationship you could invest in this week?  How could you do that?  One idea could be to write a note of thanks to this person (handwritten, text, Facebook).  Another idea  could be to invite someone(s) over for dinner this week.  Be creative!
  3. Read Genesis 2:1-3.  Consider (or discuss with others): why you think God rested.  Did God have to rest?  What do these verses mean for us?
    • Do you/your family have a rhythm of work and rest?  Are you currently all work — or all rest?  Do any changes need to be made?
    • Pick a day (or, part of a day) this week that you can declare a day of rest!  Decide ahead of time what you would do…and then do it 🙂  Enjoy the day and at some point in the day, take a minute to thank God for the way in which he restores us through rest.
  4. Read Genesis 1:1-25.  Repeatedly God declares that creation is “good.”  What does that word mean, in this context, do you think?  Is God saying that it’s “fine” — “ok”?  What might be the full, deeper meaning of that word?
  5. Read Genesis 1:26-28 and 2:4-20.
    • What are the responsibilities given to humanity (1:27, 28, 2:5, 15 and 19-20)?
    • What does this tell you about God’s intentions for our lives (hint: it’s not to sit on the sidelines)?
    • What are some of the ways that you see God giving you, and others, significant responsibility and meaningful work?
    • To bear God’s image (1:27) means that we have the chance every day to use our gifts, resources, intellect and energy (to name a few) to bring more and more “good” to the world.  How might you bring “goodness” to the people/places you will go today?
  6. To do throughout the week: memorize the names of the first three books of the Bible in order (Genesis, Exodus and Leviticus).  We’ll add three more books each week so that by the end of summer you can have all of the books memorized.


Current Series: Our Story

This summer we’ll move through the entire Old Testament, from Genesis to Malachi.  Our hope is that on this epic journey, we’ll discover that the Old Testament isn’t just a collection of ancient stories, but it is our story.  And the better we understand it’s beauty, truth and depth, the better we will understand the New Testament, Jesus, ourselves and our place in the world.

To listen to past podcasts from the series, click here.

To access tools you can use during the week to go deeper, click here.

CREATE Donations

Are you looking to help with CREATE but cannot volunteer? Below is a list of items commonly found in your recycle bin that would give the kids the materials they need to make something new and beautiful from something old and used up. Please consider sorting through your recycling bin over the next few weeks and donating these items. Thank you!

-Water bottles

-Glass jars w/lids (mayo jars, pickle jars)

-14 oz cans

-egg cartons-paper is preferred and needed the most


-shoe boxes

-bottle caps (like, beer bottle caps)


-Plastic grocery bags – lots 🙂


-Golf balls


-Medium and Small Metal pieces( i.e. Keys, screws, nuts, bolts, old silverware, tins,cans)

-Variety of small recyclable items that can be cut down to smaller shapes

-Box lids

Worshipping Together! — 11am!

This Sunday, May 22nd the Branch church and Comunidad Cristiana de Grand Rapids (CCGR) will be worshipping together at 11 am (Branch-ers, you get to sleep in a little!). Please join us to celebrate our partnership with our CCGR family! We can’t wait to see you!

(we will have all Branchkids rooms up and running this Sunday)

New Stewards & DeBlaay Sabbatical


This Sunday we’ll end worship a bit early to give us time to vote on the two Steward nominations to fill Jeff VerKaik’s and Carrie Elzinga’s spots.  Becky DeGraaf has been nominated for Steward of Resources and Mike DeBlaay for Steward of Care.  Bios of each are below.

If you cannot be at the Branch on Sunday, you can vote via email.  Please email admin@thebranchonline.org with ‘yes’ (meaning you affirm both Becky and Mike for these roles) or ‘no’ (meaning you do not affirm both Becky and Mike for these roles).  You can also send any comments you have.

One final note: during this post-worship meeting, we will also be sharing some dreams around a plan for a 2017 sabbatical for Chris.  If staying after worship doesn’t work, you can come before worship (9am) to hear us share the same information.  We’ll do our best to record the conversation as well, or at the very least, put together an FAQ.

Looking forward to seeing you soon-

The Stewards


Becky DeGraaf

Becky was born here in Grand Rapids and grew up in Byron Center. She graduated from South Christian and Grand Valley with a degree in Art & Design. Nik and Becky have been married for nine years next month and have three children: Lily, 14, Ezra, 8, and Imogen, 3.  Becky grew up in the church and has known God’s presence throughout her life, but in recent years she has felt God strengthening her faith. Through life’s challenges, she has increasingly seen and experienced God’s grace and provision.
The DeGraafs have been at the Branch for eight years, and during that time the Branch has become home.  Together they’ve invested their gifts and passions to help the Branch move forward.  Becky has specifically leveraged her passions for children and creative expression to help provide leadership in BranchKids and CREATE.

Becky also brings the skills in administration and critical thinking.  We have seen her follow through on her commitments and lead with a servant’s heart.  We believe she will be a great addition to the Stewards of Resources.

Mike DeBlaay

Mike has been married to Janelle for 5 years and they have two kids, Lucy and Teddy. He grew up in the Middleville/Freeport area and could often be found roaming around their 20-acre property with his three brothers. Mike currently works at Blodgett Hospital for Spectrum Health in their Information Technology department. He enjoys spending his free time with his family and dabbling in a few hobbies: cycling, home brewing and pretending to be a professional photographer.

Mike and Janelle have been at the Branch for about 8 years and have a desire for building a stronger community around them. He is active in the Alger Heights Collaborative, working with other churches and businesses in the neighborhood towards a focused and coordinated community development effort in the surrounding area. Mike is passionate about the calling to serve others that he feels in his life.

Mike has shown a generous heart, making significant investments in the people and mission of the Branch, as well as those outside of the Branch. We believe he will be a great addition to the Stewards of Care.

Spring/Summer Community Service Opportunities

Alger Heights Canvassing

Neighborhood Listening Opportunity – Jenn Reidsma, Community Coordinator, is currently looking for church members to help with community canvassing on Saturday, May 14 from approximately 9:30-noon. Volunteers will be asked to knock on doors and conduct short interviews. Training will be provided in the evening before the canvassing and there will be a debriefing meeting after the canvassing is complete. The approximate time commitment will be 5 hours between training, canvassing and debriefing. To sign up contact Jenn Reidsma at jenn@tabernaclecommunity.org or 988-9268 ext 205.

Garfield Park Neighborhood Association Community Garden

Garfield Park Neighborhoods Association is continuing to work with Community Partners on a Community Garden at 1714 Madison Ave SE. Our hopes are to contribute to community transformation, neighborhood revitalization, and ecological restoration of the area through the active participation of neighborhood Gardeners.

If you are interested in gardening and providing healthy food for your family, GPNA is excited to offer Community Gardening in the Garfield Park neighborhood.

We encourage anyone interested in gardening to join us for the 2016 growing season (Mid-April through Mid-October). You do not have to live in the Garfield Park Neighborhood to Participate.

The Community Garden includes two levels of involvement. We have 5’ by 12’ plots available for rent for Garden Members. Plot use fee is $35 (with a $10 refund at the end of the season). We also have garden space dedicated to Community Space Gardeners where you can come help in the garden during Community Space Open Hours in exchange for garden produce. The Community Space Garden could provide a grocery trips worth of seasonal vegetables a week when harvest begins.


The week of June 20-24, 2016 we will hold our 6th CREATE camp — a week long arts camp that matches students with skilled teachers who will engage their imaginations and dirty their hands.

We are passionate about helping kids bring life to the world around them through their creations. In past years we have had hundreds of kids, ages K-8th grade join us.

It is an amazing week in which we hope to see child after child discover their unique creativity and find the confidence to share it with others!

To sign up to volunteer: http://vols.pt/53dy7R

Registration for students begins May 1st.

If you’d like to learn more, be added to our email list, or become one of our sponsors, email us at info@thebranchonline.org

Don’t forget to follow our journey on Facebook.

We can’t wait for June!

Current Series: Love Does

Love.  Is there another word more widely used in our world today?  We say we love hot dogs or Dora, and a short time later pledge our life-long, unconditional love to another.  It’s a word we use to describe our feelings or what we think.  But love, in its fullest, truest sense, is infinitely more.  Love is action.

And when Love Does, life becomes an adventure.  And not a surviving-the-grocery-store-on-Saturday kind of adventure, but the kind that is full of enlivening twists and turns, beauty and joy.  This is the kind of life we are meant to live.

During this six week series, we’ll look back at ancient stories of Peter and Moses (to name a couple) to see what can happen when Love propels someone to step boldly.  We’ll also consider the many forms of Love’s greatest deterrent: fear.

It’s time to live.  It’s time to do.  It’s time to love.

If you’d like to join a small group during this series (groups start the week of April 10), please email admin@thebranchonline.org.


April 3: Love > Fear

April 10: I’m With You (Freedom from the fear of “what if…”)

April 17: Free To Fail (Freedom from the fear of failure)

April 24: Audacious Love (Freedom from the fear of not mattering)

May 1: Be Not Afraid (Freedom from the fear of not having enough)

May 8: Follow Me

New Stewards

The Branch has three Stewards of Care and and three Stewards of Resources.  Each serve for a three year term, which means that every year one Steward of Care and one Steward of Resources rotates off.  This year, Carrie Elzinga (Care) and Jeff VerKaik (Resources) will be stepping down.

The process for adding Stewards begins with our Partners offering nominations for each opening.  The Steward team then takes those nominations and creates a ‘single slate’ that is then voted up or down by the Partners.

Stewards play a key role in the Branch’s life, which is why we ask Partners to give careful thought and prayer as they make their nominations.  Stewards must believe deeply in and be committed to the vision and mission of the Branch.  They also must demonstrate the character and skill needed to be able to contribute to the responsibilities of being a Steward.

Before making nominations we ask that Partners carefully read the “job descriptions” to ensure that they understand the role well.

Steward of Resources Job Description

Steward of Care Job Description

Nominations can be emailed to stewards@thebranchonline.org by March 20.

Lent Reflection Guide

A team of people at the Branch have created a guide for Lent.  Each week has a personal reflection, questions to help process the passage, suggested Scripture for the week and a prayer.

You can download the whole guide here: 2016LentGuide

Or, if you’d prefer to read it right here, we’ll post each week’s reflection and resources below:

Reflection 6: the week of 3/21

Read Luke 15:1-10

We live in a culture that likes to celebrate. We get together with family and friends during holidays, and if you’re at all like my family, sometimes several times. We plan elaborate birthday parties for our kids, of which I am definitely one. We celebrate important people and events through marches or parades. We enjoy the celebration.

The thing I’ve been celebrating most in my house is potty-training success. We rejoice when our two-year-old uses the bathroom. We praise her and clap and cheer and give her all the affirming words we can. Sometimes we dance or even offer a special treat. We celebrate.

In Luke 15:4-6, the shepherd searches for his lost sheep and when he finds it he goes back home and celebrates with his friends and neighbors. He rejoices over his lost sheep. In Luke 15:8-10, the woman who loses her coin delights with her community over finding it once again.

At first glance the message behind the parables seem obvious. We know we are the “lost sheep” or “lost coin” and that we are lucky enough to have a God that will search for us when we wander off course. And while I think this is an important message, I think the other piece to consider is whether we celebrate when we, or someone we know, has found their way home.

In order to celebrate, we need to know who was lost in the first place, and that takes vulnerability. Are we vulnerable enough to step forward to say, “I’m lost”? Some people are lost in their relationships, whether it be with a sibling, parent, or a spouse. Some are wondering in faith, asking questions and feeling ignored. Some of us are wandering back from being lost not too long ago. But do we let people into these places with us? If we don’t, then we are missing out on the something we do best, celebrating.

And even though we are excellent at celebrating–who doesn’t love balloon animals, confetti, and a good bounce house?–our celebration cannot compare to the rejoicing that takes place in heaven when a lost child of God finds their way home (see Luke 15:7).

It’s clear that we need to celebrate with one another, and we need to let each other have access to our lives in order to do that. But just as we celebrate, our Father is celebrating even more, delighted and joyful that the “lost sheep” is found.

Questions for reflections:

  1. Where do you feel lost today? Find some time and space to dwell with God in those lost spaces. Listen.
  2. When have you felt like the 1? When have you felt like the 99?
  3. Celebrating our return or another person being found requires that we are close enough to be vulnerable. Where do you see this kind of vulnerability in your life? If you don’t, what is keeping you from vulnerability?
  4. Is there an area in your life that requires repentance? Take a moment to write down what specifically you need to turn from.
Lectionary Readings:

Isaiah 50:4-9a

Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29

Philippians 2:5-11

Luke 19:28-40

Prayer: God of patient love,

you await the return of the wayward and wandering

and eagerly embrace them in pardon.

Through baptism you have clothed us with the glory of Christ

and restored our inheritance:

give us generous hearts

to welcome all who seek a place

at the table of your unconditional love.

We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Holy Week – March 21

Lectionary Readings:

Isaiah 52:13-53:12

Psalm 22

Hebrews 10:16-25

Luke 22:14-23:56


In this holy time,

as we remember the sacrifice of the cross,

we offer the prayers of our hearts,

that through them we may be transformed

to be servants of justice, love and peace.


Make us steadfast witnesses of our Savior’s reign,

that we may live in the pattern of Christ,

who was faithful in all things,

even death,

and whose darkest hour gives light and hope. Amen.