What mask are you wearing? This week, we dig into the hard work of uncovering the parts of ourselves that we like to keep hidden. Often, we don’t even know those parts exist. But our loving God wants more for us than the identity for which we are willing to settle.
00Teresahttps://thebranchonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/The-Branch.pngTeresa2017-11-08 18:05:552021-05-06 19:16:06The Adventure of Coming Home: Unmasking Your False Self (Week 3)
We begin the journey home by looking at the story of the prodigal sons (Luke 15, esp. v. 17-20) and discovered that the journey home often begins with the journey inward.
00Chrishttps://thebranchonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/The-Branch.pngChris2017-10-24 13:20:082017-10-24 13:20:08The Adventure of Coming Home: The Journey Inward (week 1)
One of the things that makes the Branch unique is the building where we gather. One building is the home to 3 churches: Comunidad Christiana de Grand Rapids (CCGR), Nepali-Speaking Community Church (NSCC) and the Branch. For the next 3 weeks, the pastors of those 3 churches will preach at one another’s worship service, talking about barriers to reconciliation. On October 15, we will all gather together at 4 pm to worship together.
This week, Yakuv Gurung (pastor of NSCC) continued the conversation, teaching about belonging and hospitality. Yakuv’s message begins at 4:50. Listen to the first 4 minutes to hear about our upcoming Learning Communities.
One of the things that makes the Branch unique is the building where we gather. One building is the home to 3 churches: Comunidad Christiana de Grand Rapids (CCGR), Nepali-Speaking Community Church (NSCC) and the Branch. For the next 3 weeks, the pastors of those 3 churches will preach at one another’s worship service, talking about barriers to reconciliation. On October 15, we will all gather together at 4 pm to worship together.
This week, Rodrigo Cano (pastor of CCGR) taught us that being uncomfortable, vulnerable and intentional are required for the work of reconciliation.
Our 3rd week in a series looking at the overall direction and mission of the Branch.
00thebranchhttps://thebranchonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/The-Branch.pngthebranch2017-09-26 15:06:262017-09-26 15:06:26Reconciled: Us (9.24.17)
Reconciliation finds its roots in the Latin meaning to bring back together what has been separated; to make good again. The Scriptures tell us that reconciliation is exactly what God is up to in the world, and we are called to join in that work.
The Branch is a church committed to reconciliation that is both personal, relational and moves us towards greater justice in the world. Join us each week as we not only consider where we are headed as a church, but what God may be inviting each of us to do in the months ahead.
00thebranchhttps://thebranchonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/The-Branch.pngthebranch2017-09-12 14:47:462017-09-12 14:47:46Reconciled: Me (9.10.17)
Listen in as Chris teaches us a way to read and interact with scripture, using The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard from Matthew 20.
00thebranchhttps://thebranchonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/The-Branch.pngthebranch2017-09-05 14:56:302017-09-05 14:56:30Reimagining Scripture: The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard
For three months, the Branch gifted a sabbatical to its lead pastor. During August, Chris has been sharing reflections from his time away.
This week, Chris DeBlaay and Chris Shearer taught us about spiritual friendships. God never intended for us to walk our journey of faith alone. Listen to learn how to cultivate an intentional spiritual relationship that will guide us towards growth and transformation.
*Current Series: Stories from Sabbatical (part 2)*
For three months, the Branch gifted a sabbatical to its lead pastor. During August, Chris will share more reflections from his time away. We’ll also share stories about the ways the time of sabbatical changed individuals and families at the Branch.
00thebranchhttps://thebranchonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/The-Branch.pngthebranch2017-08-22 13:53:492017-08-22 13:53:49Stories From Sabbatical 8.20.17 (Place and Purpose: Incarnation)
*Current Series: Stories from Sabbatical (part 2)*
For three months, the Branch gifted a sabbatical to its lead pastor. During August, Chris will share more reflections from his time away. We’ll also share stories about the ways the time of sabbatical changed individuals and families at the Branch.
00thebranchhttps://thebranchonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/The-Branch.pngthebranch2017-08-13 15:00:522017-08-13 15:00:52Stories from Sabbatical 8.13.17 (Our response to pain and loss)
*Current Series: Stories from Sabbatical (part 2)*
For three months, the Branch gifted a sabbatical to its lead pastor. During August, Chris will share more reflections from his time away. We’ll also share stories about the ways the time of sabbatical changed individuals and families at the Branch.
00thebranchhttps://thebranchonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/The-Branch.pngthebranch2017-08-06 12:59:582021-05-06 23:04:10Stories from Sabbatical 8.6.17 (The power of story)
During the month of July we took time to dialogue over passages of scripture (John 6:1-15) so very little of our dialogue was recorded. We’d love to hear your take on the story found in that passage of Jesus feeding the 5000.
On his first Sunday preaching after Sabbatical, Chris walks us through he and his family’s trip to Israel and Palestine where they were enlightened and inspired by stories of peace and reconciliation in the midst of a war torn area. We are inspired to find the place for peace and reconciliation in our own lives and hearts here at home.
00thebranchhttps://thebranchonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/The-Branch.pngthebranch2017-06-21 15:38:572017-06-21 15:38:57Sabbatical Stories (Part 1 – A Key to Reconciliation)
Sarah Lundberg helps us walk through times in life when we want to cry out “How long, Lord?” Listen as she uses the words of Psalm 13:1-6 to guide the conversation.
00thebranchhttps://thebranchonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/The-Branch.pngthebranch2017-06-05 13:33:272017-06-05 13:33:27When God is Silent 6.4.17