Current Series: Seeking, Honest Questions For Deeper Faith

This Lent, may you engage in the spiritual practice of seeking—by asking questions, and by staying curious, open, and nimble.
We hope you will soften your assumptions and expand your perspectives. We pray that these questions will create a safe space to explore—to be drawn more deeply into the fullness of life, into the heart of God.

March 5 – Who Will You Listen To?

March 12 – Group Sunday

March 19 – How Do We Begin Again?

March 26 – Group Sunday

April 2 – Palm Sunday::Where Are You Headed?

April 9 – Easter::Who Are You Looking For?

April 16 – Group Sunday

April 23 – Can These Bones Live?

April 30 – Agape Feast

May  7 – Who Sinned?

May 14 – Group Sunday

May 21 – Will You Give Me A Drink?

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