Entries by Chris

Missional Communities

If you’ve been around the Branch lately you’ve probably heard talk about Missional Communities (MCs). But maybe you’re wondering just what exactly MCs are…(click here for more)


Next Saturday (May 21) the churches of Alger Heights (Alger Park CRC, the Branch, Church of the Resurrection, Seymour CRC and Tabernacle Community Church) are coming together to serve our community. Below are the projects we’ll be tackling and the time choices available. To sign up…

Benefit Dinner and Silent Auction

The dinner and silent auction were a huge success (over $5700 raised)!  Thank you to all who participated, but it’s not too late to join the effort.  Donations can still be made, and we have a number of adult and child sized “We Choose Joy” t-shirts for purchase.  Just let us know: info@thebranchonline.org