Entries by Chris

Acts – Week 1 – 6/4/23

Acts Revolution of the Intimate We begin a summer long journey through the story of Christianity’s beginnings. This week, we consider the larger context and themes of the book.

Seeking – Week 6 (5.7.23)

John 9 is a chapter full of questions, and to be honest, some are better than others. We take a look at the host of questions asked in this story and consider what makes a lesser and better question? What mistaken assumptions often undergird our questions? And how might we follow the example of Jesus […]

Seeking – Week 5 (4.23.23)

In Ezekiel 37 the prophet (by the same name) is given a vision — a vision that not only captures the hopelessness of his world, but perhaps of his own life as well. And yet, this same vision also breathes hope and possibility. In our world, there is no shortage of hopelessness. What might this […]

Seeking – Easter (4.9.23)

It’s a story we know well. Perhaps too well. Can we listen with fresh ears — like that time we first heard encountered the unbelievable world of chemistry, poetry or jazz. When Mary meets Jesus in the garden she doesn’t recognize him. The disciples who ran with her to the tomb don’t understand. Questions abound. […]

Easter Weekend

This weekend brings wonder and meaning. Though we may have heard the stories surrounding the death and resurrection of Jesus many times before, each retelling allows us the opportunity to integrate deep truths into our lives again: death does not have the final word; sacrifice is the gateway to life; hope endures. Our time together […]

Seeking – Week 2 (3.19.23)

Our second week in this series (from March-May we’ll be preaching roughly every other week and having Group Sundays on the other weeks – see our blog for more) considers the story of Nicodemus. This religious, pious and seeking leader is confronted with an idea that confuses and shakes him: you must be born again. […]

Current Series: Seeking, Honest Questions For Deeper Faith

This Lent, may you engage in the spiritual practice of seeking—by asking questions, and by staying curious, open, and nimble. We hope you will soften your assumptions and expand your perspectives. We pray that these questions will create a safe space to explore—to be drawn more deeply into the fullness of life, into the heart […]

Group Sundays (Feb-May 2023)

Sign up for a Group here. Last fall, we felt that it was time to try something different. Not for the sake of being different, but because we wondered if the way in which we gathered didn’t need to shift given all that has happened in the world and in our lives the last two […]

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday – February 22 – 7:00pm Lent begins with Ash Wednesday – an evening of reflection, prayer and Scripture where we set our intention for the 40 days leading to Easter. With the potential for inclement weather on Wednesday, we may choose to move our gathering to Zoom. We will keep everyone updated on […]


As we begin a new year, our conversation on Sundays will center around an ancient practice and rhythm of rest called Sabbath — a practice we’re pretty sure most of us are unfamiliar with, but need nonetheless. That said, this conversation is not first and foremost about developing a 24-hour period free of any work. […]

From Generation to Generation – Week 3 (12.11.22)

Joseph had a choice to make. Would he separate from Mary or stand with her? It, no doubt, was a difficult choice.  While are circumstances are certainly different, we too face the same type of choice: will we separate from those in need – those we disagree with – those who are on the edges […]

Upcoming Gatherings

Here’s our holiday schedule as we celebrate Christmas and welcome in the New Year! Christmas Eve – 5-6pm Update 12/24 1:00pm: please note, we are still meeting in person tonight, but because of conditions encourage people to choose what is best for their circumstances. We will be streaming on YouTube as well. We look forward […]

From Generation to Generation – Week 2 (12.4.22)

When Mary is visited by Gabriel and told that she will give birth to the long awaited Messiah, she is understandably afraid and troubled. What does Mary’s response to this visit have to teach us about our response to fear? And what might Gabriel’s words prompt us to remember about God’s promises?

From Generation to Generation – Week 1 (11.27.22)

The genealogy of Jesus (in Matthew 1) is often overlooked. But what does this long list of names have to tell us? As we consider it together we find an unlikely lineage full of unexpected characters. But perhaps that’s the point. Even Jesus’ beginning is through and through marked by those we continually dismiss or […]

UPDATE: Sundays This Fall

In this brief podcast we share the ‘why’ behind we’re making some changes this fall and lay out some of the details. You can find more info here.