Ash Wednesday

Join us for an evening of reflection and worship, March 9, as we enter the season of Lent.  This will be a unique opportunity to pause, consider what may be keeping us from following Jesus fully, and letting it go.

Please note: we will not have BranchKids; however, we will have a live feed in our cry room.  And, of course, kids are welcome to join us!

6:30-7:00PM – quite reflection in sanctuary – no agenda, no talking, just an opportunity to sit quietly, pray and reflect

7:00-8:00PM – worship

Come from 6:30-7:00 OR 7:00-8:00 or the entire evening.

meal night

There are few things more important to us than building relationships and sharing life.  And that’s why meal nights have been a part of our routine from the beginning.  Join us March 11th at the Bergman’s home for a relaxed evening of food and conversation.  No agenda or set plan — just an opportunity to meet new people and strengthen existing relationships.

Come anytime after 6PM (whenever your schedule allows).  You’re welcome to bring something to pass, although it’s not required.  Click here for a map.

[soul]ful living

De-clutter your heart, mind, soul, schedule, and home…to make space for God.

Join women from around the city for this day retreat – Saturday, February 26, 9am-3pm.

For details on breakout sessions, location, etc. click on the images below.

meal night

Meal Night is cancelled tonight (1/14) as the Bergman’s are under the weather.

Our next meal night will be Friday, January 28 at the VandeVegte’s home.  Click here for a map.  Hope to see you then!

here for a map.

no cancellations!

SUNDAY — 12/12

Nothing has been cancelled.  Here is the line up for this morning:

10:30-11:00 – Brunch with New Life Church (just bring yourself!)

11:00-12:15 – Worship

12:15-12:30 – 2011 Budget meeting (anyone is welcome to join us)

Hope to see you soon!

Worship In Unity

Last spring a conversation began among some of the local churches about how we might live together in unity.
One result of that effort was the decision to worship together at Christmas.
People from Alger CRC, Seymour CRC, Tabernacle and the Branch will gather this Sunday from 5-6PM at Alger CRC.
Childcare is provided.
And for 20-30 minutes afterwards you’re invited to go caroling in the surrounding streets.


This Christmas…give a gift that will change the world. Read more


If you’d like a child-free place to do some wrapping of gifts while enjoying great conversation with other Branch women, then join us at Lynell Shooks home (2657 Jefferson 49507). Tuesday, Dec. 14 at 7:30 bring your gifts and some wrapping paper. Or just come for the mingling. We’ll also be doing a cookie exchange so bring 4 dozen or so of your favorite cookies to share and you’ll go home with 4 dozen different ones.

good news?

This Christmas season we’ll celebrate the birth of Jesus, and for good reason.  But the announcement of a newborn king 2000 years ago wasn’t good news to everyone.  For some, it threatened their very existence; for others, it was a declaration that turn their lives upside down (and then some).

So what about today?  What does Jesus’ birth mean to us?  Is it good news?

Join us as we view the story through the eyes of its characters.

November 28: King Herod

December 5: Zechariah and Elizabeth

December 12: Mary

December 19: Joseph

food baskets

Over the next few weeks we’ll be collecting food — putting them into holiday food baskets — and delivering them to local families.  You can participate by bringing a specific food item to the Branch, helping us assemble the baskets, or delivering them to the families.  To sign up or get more details, email (all food must be collected by Sunday, November 21)

Beneath the Tree

At our core is the belief that creativity is a gift from God — a gift to be celebrated and highlighted whenever possible.  This weekend we’re spotlighting creativity through an event called Beneath the Tree.  This in-home-art-sale gives local artists a chance to sell their work, and it gives the Branch a chance to raise money for CREATE (our annual arts camp).

The tour runs Friday (10am-9pm) and Saturday (9am-3pm).

Maps, directions, and more details can all be found here:


she is a ministry at the Branch for all women.  Whether young, old, married or single — it is a place to connect, have fun, share life and grow in faith.  Mark your calendars for these upcoming events — we hope you can join us.

Friday, Nov. 12 she::shops

Beneath the Tree – Meet at Hanna Brennan’s home (2318 Blaine Ave. SE) at 6 p.m.  We will ride together to shop at some of the houses in the tour.  We will end up at Mindi Freng’s house for snacks and conversation.

Tuesday, Dec. 14 she::bakes

Holiday wrapping party/cookie exchange.   Bring your gifts to Lynell Shooks’ home (2657 Jefferson Dr.) and let’s do some wrapping together.  We’ll also be doing a cookie exchange so bake your favorite kind and go home with a variety of treats.

Saturday, Jan. 15 she::eats

Breakfast @ the Branch 9 a.m.  Let’s kick off the new year together.  There will be a time of worship, community building, and a speaker.  More details to follow.

Friday, Feb. 11 she::relaxes

Spa night – Meet at Mindy Law’s house (7497 Whistlepipe Ct., Byron Center) at 7 p.m.  Bring your favorite nail polish and we’ll pamper our feet and hands.  Feel free to bring a favorite snack or treat to share.

Fridays @ 1PM (beginning November 6)  she::grows

A women’s bible study taking place every Friday at 1 p.m. to study Beth Moore’s  “A Woman’s Heart, God’s Tabernacle.”  Please contact Hanna Brennan if you’re interested


The next gathering is October 8, 7PM, at the Beltline Bar for dinner.  This is a great chance to meet other women, share life and good food.  Questions, or want to RSVP? Email Mindy (

Guys Night Out

The plan for this oh-so-manly event is simple: frisbee golf followed by food (and just to be clear: if you’ve never thrown a frisbee in your life you’ll do just fine. Trust us. This is not a particularly impressive group of frisbee golfers)

Meet at Old Farm Park (Old Farm Park – 2291 Embro Dr SE – Kentwood, MI) at 5:30.

If you can’t join us for frisbee golf, but want to meet up for food, give Chris a call and we’ll let you know where we are at: 322.1317. We hope to see you!

simply Christian

To borrow N.T. Wright’s words, “Being a Christian in today’s world is, of course, anything but simple.  But there is a time for trying to say, a simply as possible, what it’s all about.”  In this series, it is our aim to do just that.  Join us on Sundays as we explore just what it means to be Christian.

Also, we hope you’ll plug into a short-term small group, joining others in exploring what this series means for our lives. Groups begin the week of Sept. 26 and will meet for five consecutive weeks. To sign up, e-mail
Women’s Group: Sunday evenings (Sept. 26, Oct. 3, 10, 17, 24)
Men’s Group: Wednesday morning, 7AM (Sept 29, Oct. 6, 13, 20, 27)
any-and-everyone group: Sunday evenings

Ice Cream (9/1)

Our last taste of summery-sweetness is Wednesday, September 1st.  Join us at 7PM for a scoop at Sundaes in the Heights (located on the corner of Alger and Eastern).

Meal Night (8/27)

Picnic tables.  Summer breezes.  Great food.

Join us for the opportunity to connect with others this Friday at the Dragt’s home.  Click here for a map. The fun starts at 6ish (emphasis on ‘ish’)  Come whenever you can — stay how ever long your schedule allows.   We hope to see you.

Meal Night (8/13)

This Friday meal night goes on the road: we’re headed to Jonny B’z.
This new hot dog restaurant is anything but ordinary (don’t think boiled dogs and stale buns).
And….if you’re not a hot dog lover, there are other options too (including vegetarian ones).
You can either….
  • Meet us at the restaurant (click here for map) at 6:30PM, OR…
  • Meet at the Branch at 5:50 — we’ll catch the 6:11 bus (the Branch will pay bus fare)
To help Jonny be ready for us, please let us know if you’re planning on coming:

Hands Across the City

There’s a massive movement happening this Saturday to renew and improve our city’s parks.  To join in the effort (everything from building a playground system to spreading mulch) check out:

Ice Cream!

Mackinaw Island Fudge.  Superman.  Cookies and cream.  Need we say more?  Join us tonight (July 28th) at 7PM for a scoop, a conversation, a summer evening at its best.  Sundaes in the Heights is located on the corner of Alger and Eastern.